The interview of last monday was no big deal and went pretty smoothly. Just a few minor things that needed clarification and I needed to renew my identity card, as it already expired last April (doh!). I'll be having a tour throughout the school tomorrow morning, with some final notes and rules, and will pick up my school schedule. So yes, I'm in!
I'll need a while to get used to things again, as all my old school subjects return, those who I thought would never cross me in life again: Physics 1,2 , Chemistry 1,2 , Math 1,2 , Biology 1, English, French 1, German 1, Dutch and Literature. Ah yes. Just one year of really hard work and I can call me a true genius when I pass for it all! It's actually exciting, and feel kinda eager to start taking lessons and do some active homework again. I missed it!
In other news, I've been pretty inactive lately online (Instant Messaging, deviantART, etc). I've been feeling kinda uncomfortable about myself, and virtually isolated myself down to a selected few people that I still talk to online. Note that it didn't happen the other way around; narrowing myself down to a few people that would make me feel uncomfortable. I am not sure why I feel like that. Though, surprisingly and comforting, a new person appeared on the horizon in my life. Slowly I'm rebuilding myself again, as I get to know this person better, regaining my trust and self-esteem. Funny how things go.. a total surprise, and yet, a person I already know for a longer while. Time will tell what happens next, ofcourse. I'm so glad I found such another great friend in my life again =]
Artwise, this is what I've been up to. A request, but I'm having a hard time finding my art mojo.. Hopefully I'll have this done soon some time =]
Hmm.. that would be all!