Feb 21, 2006 23:02
So, let's see.
I got a haircut friday. Everyone says it's cute but I dont' like it at all. I want my hair back.
Solo & Ensemble- all ones! I was so excited our quintet got a one! I was also mad at Dixie cause she told me to take off my shoes (despite me playing in heels at recitals...) so I did, and the judge, the adjudacator, and audience kept pointing out that I took them off for my solo and duet. Thanks alot Dixie.
Then I went to pep band in my S&E clothes with my hair straight. That was strange.
Then I hung out with the G-rents and mom and Alex.
Saturday- Drove with Alex and Nita to Erika's. When I got there we walked around campus before showering and getting ready for the dance. We ate dinner and changed and met at the lodge. Everytime we went outside we RAN cause it was freezing cold. We took charter busses to Jackson to a place called Gilberts. We danced (making the floor come apart) and ate some sweet rolls, quesadillas, and fruit. Hehe. When we got back, Erika and I watched Elizabethtown, which was excellent, and I enjoyed profusely.
Sunday I came home and worked on Hamlet til I watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Alex. Quite educational. Quite.. lol.
Monday, Hamlet til Oboe and Dance. At dance, I decided to attempt this weird kick/jump that Erika showed me, and in trying to figure out how to land, I hurt my toe.
Today, it is swollen and nastily bruised and quite painful. Dad's pretty sure I sprained it. Whoohoo.
Today has sucked. I keep crying. I hate my hair. My toe hurts. Work is not being nice.
The only good thing is that I love my prom dress. Mmm mmm mmm. Yes.
Lost my motivation for Hamlet when I wanted a fruit smoothie, and Alex and I went to get them then watched the Olympics.
I can't wait for tomorrow! I get to see Wicked!
So in that case, I better get some sleep.
Night night,