Jul 03, 2011 22:18
The Afternoon Sun beats down into my Kitchen. I've put up an umbrella, but that doesn't help. I called a Company to see if they could put in shades on my French Door. I made an appointment for next week, the day came, they didn't come or call, so the next day I called, oh gee Molly, my computer is down with all the info, I didn't write it down, so I made another appointment for Wednesday. He was late, so I called, his computer was still down, I gave him the into AGAIN. I called Barbie, she decieded to come over. He finely arrived, gave me a price, which was fair. I'm going to get my shade in about 2 weeks. HOpefully there won't be any screw ups.
This month is my Birthday, I decided to give myself a Birthday present, a ring. I was looking for a Ruby, but they're much to expensive, so I got the next best thing, I think it's called a Spidel, it looks like a ruby. Between the Jeweler and myself, we ROCK. It's going to look amazing, it's custom made so no one is going to have the same ring. He's custom made some of my pieces. he does a fabulous job