Nov 24, 2007 22:10
It has been a long ass time since I've made an entry onto this blog or any other and I feel as though the time has come to make an entry.
Too bad my life is so boring and undramatic I have nada to write about.
I quit working at Staples the Sunday before BLACK FRIDAY. I must be a bitch to do that.
Speaking of bitch reminded me-- for anyone who hasn't noticed yet a 10-year old girl in my neighborhood has used a rock to essentially key 6 cars in the neighborhood. How fucked up is that? For no reason other than she was bored I guess. On three sides of my car it says asshole and fuck you asshole. The best part is the trunk that says BICH. I wonder if that is supposed to mean bitch. IDK, but it's going to cost me $500.00 because that's how much my deductible is. That very much sucks.
Back to the job. So upon deciding all of the drama of Staples is not worth it, I now work full time for Lisa Dennis Court Reporting. Which is nice because it's only three days a week, but the issue is getting paid. There isn't always enough money to go around so other people get paid first because I'm family. Whatever I'm just going to have to find a part time job from somewhere else. Bleh.
I guess the only other exciting thing is that on December 4, 2007 Tony and I will have been dating for one year and six months exactly. Well it may not really be that exciting, but to me it is.
I think this just may be my only non-depressing journal entry onto this site since I've had it.