From Twitter 03-28-2011

Mar 29, 2011 03:17

  • 01:34:57: Photo: staryusays: ALWAYS.
  • 13:34:00: No capes!
  • 13:38:20: Found it. Died from fanboy overload. RT @neilhimself: Yes, Doctor Who Ep 4's title has made it onto the inte… (cont)
  • 16:58:27: Why is Twitter posting things I thought I deleted like 4 hours ago? >:(
  • 17:07:06: Yay for this not being about me. #ImNotAlwaysAWhore RT @Rawbie: @ wintersidhe That boy was born to take it.
  • 17:22:59: Does anyone know if Air Balloon bypasses Gravity? #pokemon @CactuarJoe
  • 18:57:23: "Damn son, you plump as hell. I bet you feel nice." What? No. I can't... Brb. Deleting profile forever.
  • 19:07:22: Should be doing laundry, but I'm just dicking around on tumblr. Yup.
  • 19:10:40: Is there a new #gLee tonight?
  • 19:12:28: Alex: I just fucked an illiterate elf who is prone to bouts of rage. My day is complete.
  • 19:14:47: B O R E D. Ask me stuff. I promise to only lie a little bit.
  • 20:05:48: Time to speed through this lesson plan so I can go out and play with my fraaans.
  • 21:19:06: "POP THAT PUSSY, BITCH!" What? No. What is wrong with people tonight?
  • 21:23:38: Last note before I head out: @ RevaSharkbait is worth biting. That is all.

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