From Twitter 03-17-2011

Mar 18, 2011 03:18

  • 00:32:28: Photo: stevenreca:
  • 12:12:29: Dear guy in the apartment next door blasting rap music, You are making it very hard to listen to Fresh Air and I hope you die in a fire.
  • 12:16:39: My St. Patrick's day tradition is punching anyone in the throat who tries to pinch me for not wearing green.
  • 14:13:53: In Honor of St. Patrick's Day I will watch Alexander and In Bruges. Thank you, Ireland, for the walking wet dream that is Colin Farrell.
  • 14:14:34: Also, I had no idea there was a Total Recall remake happening with Farrell as Quaid. Sign me up for that train wreck.
  • 14:36:58: Overheard: Happy St. Patrick's Day - Alex: Are you seriously only watching Colin Farrell movies today? Me:...
  • 15:33:47: Please, please, please stop saying someone is acting "black." You're acting like an idiot.
  • 15:43:53: "What did you do with this gorgeous day?" I chain smoked and listen to NPR for 6 hours. #Idontgooutside
  • 15:51:54: There is now too much music in my library to fit on my iPod and I have to chose albums. Life: Spiraling out of control.
  • 16:07:52: RT @CactuarJoe: Snover refuses to breed good IVs. I'm picturing Ditto sitting in the corner, "Baby, this has never happened to me before ...
  • 16:40:57: Had this day before yesterday. So good, you guys. You don't even know. RT @Mudgies:
  • 16:46:30: likes Nothing In My Way by Keane on Ping #iTunes
  • 16:46:54: Favorite Keane song, for serioius.
  • 17:15:01: I know Ramen is incredibly unhealthy, but until someone gives me a healthy cost effective alternative y'all can bite me.
  • 17:17:41: Really? NO ONE mentioned the Doctor Who Comic Relief special coming up? You have failed me yet again, Twitter.
  • 19:04:00: RT @meghantonjes: I need a boyfriend for holidays who will buy me pretty perfumes...and diamonds.
  • 19:05:17: I wish someone would have a theme team tourney. I want to show off my Dead Moon Circus team. #pokemon
  • 19:08:30: I'm going to become rich and pay @ nodoubt to follow me around for a day playing "Doormat."
  • 21:33:56: I don't know what is worse: The downstairs neighbors cooking, or the industrial strength smelling cleanser they use to clean their house.
  • 21:35:02: But, I guess you need something strong to clean up the left-over ass they boil from the kitchen.
  • 21:39:41: Photo: callurgirlfriend:
  • 22:55:34: Big booty bitches everywhere. (@ Ghetto Love Palace)

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