Jun 27, 2005 14:07
alright, here it is, my christian journal entry that i said that i would write. I'm almost afraid to write it because i don't want to misinterpret or miscommunicate what i'm thinking to you guys. so here it goes....and if it's terrible, i'm sorry. this isg oing to follow the format of which andie asked her questions.
Question 1: why should someone have to follow the religion of their families?
--My answer: they shouldn't have to, and technically your family can raise you in a christian environment but if you disagree with christianity then you do aren't believing in it and therefor not following it.
Question 2: why do people have to go to church with their family when they don't believe the same thing.
--My answer: once again you shouldn't have to, but if your family truly believes in their religion then they have most likely found happiness with it as well and want to share this happiness with all that they love and all who need it *basically everyone*, i'm sure that your grandparents love you very much and want to make sure that you go. and, i know this sounds bad, but going to church and reading the bible, even if you don't believe, does teach you good morals and gives you wisdom about many things...jsut a side note.
Question 3: Does God control our lives?
--My answer: No, in fact, God does not control our lives. God has given us the gift...heh, the curse....of free will. We can do what we want with our lives when we feel like it. We don't have to believe in God, we don't have to get a job. In fact, God can't make us do anything that we don't want to do....well, he could if he wanted to but he doesn't. it's complicated, basically nothing is impossible for God except to go against his nature which is a loving and caring person who only wants the best for everyone. And as for blaming your problems on God, whether they are personal faults or natural occuring problems you shouldn't blame them on God. I kinda have two answers for that....On one hand, for all the bad things that happen....they happen for a reason, and sometimes it isn't apparent at first what that reason is. maybe the stress and emotion that is caused form the death will make you a stronger person or will allow you to r3late to another person who is in pain, or maybe the reason for the death will never be for you, maybe the person was in intense pain or perhaps they were abusing someone and now that person is free....the reasons are endless but believe it or not there is a reason for everything. another answer, even though it kind of contradicts the first one, is God is like a parent with us, a toddler. A parent never want their child/toddler to fall down, but because they are a parent and they love their child they will be there when they do fall to pick them back up adn tell them it's ok. It's like God, God doesn't make bad stuff happen to us, but when it does he's there to pick us back up and set us back on track.
Question 4: why do people say Jesus is the only way to heaven?
--My answer: Well, because that is what our religion believes. We believe God sent his son to die for our sins and that if you accept that and accept Jesus Christ as your savior you will go to heaven. And, for the opposite, if you don't believe you will go to hell. More complex answer....it used to be that you would make sacrifices to God for the wrong that you had done. Animal sacrifices usually...and it got to the point where people would sin and sin and sin and not try to stop and just keep making sacrifices and God got tired of it. He made a sacrifice for our sins, his son who was perfect, and basically by believing you accept that sacrifice and go to heaven because he erases your sins...we still sin, and God will forgive us if we ask...but we also have to try and stop sinning.
Question 5: What does God do for us?
--My answer: God does alot, i have stories....my friends family was short money and they needed extra cash....they kept tithing and giving to the church and still kept going and one day a random envelope ended up in their mail box with like...$500. Believing in God and what God gives...he gives alot, he gives you strength and understanding....but he doesn't take things from you, you have to give them to him. if you are insecure and believe in god maybe you are just not letting him help you realize who you are...maybe they keep taking back this problem and not asking for help or wanting any. there are many different reasons.
Question 6: Is the bible reliable?
--MY answer: The bible is one of the most historic and oldest books around. give me you email address, if you want, and i can send you some of the facts about that.