Okay guys. I'm bored. So I'm going to make a list here of all the CDs I own. If you want the song list for any of the CDs, just tell me and I'll type it up for you. And if you want me to upload any CDs (or songs), just hit me up and I'll do it for you.
CD list here )
1. Santa's Going To Kick Your Ass
2. The Christmas Song
3. Santa Got Arrested
4. Christmas Sucks
5. Things Are Looking Bad for Santa
6. Christmas Turkey Blues
7. Oh God, I'm Santa Claus
8. Christmas Is Almost Here">
9. Dad Threw Up on Christmas Day
10. The Same Christmas Cake
11. Christmas Time
12. Christmas Blues
13. Christmas Hangover
14. Vincent the Christmas Virus
15. Christmas in Ignace
Christmas Turkey zip
1. A Man Has Needs
2. Steel Drivin' Man
3. Great to be a Nerd
4. Celine Dion
5. Rocks and Trees
6. Gaelic Song
7. Wong's Chinese Buffet
8. I Am Cow
9. Johnny Came Home Headless
10. Heimlich Maneuver
11. Scary Ned
12. Sponges
13. Log Into you
14. Winnebago
Dirt! zip
Idiot Road
1. Idiot Road
2. Boy band
3. We Are the Beaver
4. Baby Poo
5. Fuzzy Dice
6. I Ran Away
7. Trichinosis
8. Billy the Theme Park Shark
9. Stalker Girl
10. Worst Seat on the Plane
11. Really Scary
12. Drink With Me
13. Mrs. Catto Loves her Budgey
Idiot Road Zip
you can see/request any of the songs I've uploaded for fanmix purposes.
And Russel's Shorts
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