The Fountain Watch - The Fountain watch is beautiful and ornate, but as Ianto Jones is soon to find out, it is also extremely dangerous
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Get Your Facts First, then you can Distort them as you Please - A strange artefact and an even stranger message leaves Team Torchwood tying themselves up in knots trying to solve the mystery. Cue a car chase for Gwen, an oddly acting Weevil for Jack and a tomb-raider style adventure for Ianto.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 One-shots:
Assistance and Help - When Ianto came to Cardiff, he had little more than a suit, a cup of coffee and a partially cybernised girlfriend. He needed help.
Back to Jones - Ianto's recovery through S1 to S2
It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all - The team consider love
The Aftermath - After the events of CoE, Rhiannon and Jack talk.
Yan?! - Jack and Ianto discuss pet names.
(Now with
Just Have to Wait - Aaron/Jackson Emmerdale fic.
From Cyberwoman to Adam Ianto's a Lying Liar Jack and Ianto in Children of Earth Torchwood vs Firefly Picspams:
Jack and Ianto in Children of Earth The Many Faces of Ianto Jones Yan?! Icons - Torchwoood, Doctor Who and Firefly.