Apr 24, 2001 22:30

I'm so bored out of my mind right now.

I've been in the house all day long, and I so was looking forward to the New Found Glory Concert. As you can see, I'm at home right now, NOT at the concert, and that is because the tickets were sold out!
*sigh* And I so wanted to go out with my new blue hair due. But since I was so bored my brother let me make spikes in his hair. I used australian bees wax (the stuff you use for dreads) and I made small spikes all over his head. He looked so cool ! but he didn't want to be seen with all those spikes so he took them out. All that work for nothing, but I did take a picture!

Anyways, that's all I did today. I'm not tired yet,so I'll probably be sitting in front of the computer for a while (thinking about how I could be in the mosh pit right now...*sigh*)...lates!
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