Posting this as a basic placeholder for my own reference
BINGOsupernatural: weres and shapeshiftersstranded
(Derek/Stiles)murder (attempted or successful)domestic abuselove spell / potion gone wrongbirthdays
(clint/phil)broken bones
(stiles/derek, broken fingers)bullet wounds
(another A/E? or pos Avengers something)genderswap
(Trembling Sigh A/E verse)burns
(Uncle Peter?Laura?Derek?)secret identityvoyeurism
(A/E crave you)wildcardlacerations
(Clint/Phil scene from HDM AU?)sex pollenrecovery
(future glimpse at S's recovery In Most Walks of Life)fallingcourtship ritualshostages
(Clint/Phil or OT3)feverstalkers
(Stiles has other bfs, Derek pines)restraintsbroken promises
song mixbroken dreams
(no place in the pack)lost
(Derek/Stiles panic attack)