Jan 10, 2006 13:56
Oiy god its been ages. Well nothing much happens of the good here. I'm having odd dreams that keep waking me up. So I haven't been sleeping. One of my old dreams is stuck in my mind. Its about a horse of ice bucking and rearing everywhere, causing a blizzard and destroying everything with ice and hail. And that horse is followed by one of fire, both destroy everything hey can. And then, in my dream. I die. But some weird freka hing happens and I'm reborn as an adult. Its, kinda weird. Others are of female charaters we know only of in stories, one calls me a Cinderella, Yes I know. I am a Cinderella in my mind. Just no Prince Charming sweeping me off my feet and whisking me away yet. One talked of Helen of troy. though I don't remember that one. Or maybe I wasn Cassandra. I can't remember. I vote Cassandra though. Not many seem to believe me. Others are just the usual, just more gore, death, decay, suffering, pain, anguish, and fear. I really wish my subconcious would let me have a dream that doesn't involve running for my life. Or watching in horror as thousands are slaughtered around me. Seriously. I don't like stuff that revolves around gore all the time. Once in a while when I'm in a morbid funk but thats about it. Should I actually talk to someone about my dreams? Now that I've only slept a couple hours the past few days?