Mar 05, 2010 23:15

Silent Hill characters might recognize the shift in reality as being gruesomely similar to the physical side effects that occur when visiting Otherworld. However, the symptoms are the same for every character, regardless of their origin: nausea, dizziness, a debilitating headache that will bring them to their knees, and something... else. A dark feeling of wrongness will land in the pit of each person's stomach, though it may only be background noise to everything else. At the end of it all, unconsciousness awaits.

Upon waking, everyone will find their place in World's End to be just as it always had been. At first, the only noticeable difference is the presence of a thick, blanketing fog and a faint, yet foul, smell on the air. Those predisposed to something of this nature may be able to identify it for its poisonous qualities. Indeed, the very fog itself seems to be a noxious fume. Everyone will feel the effects of it differently, from a mere disorienting feeling not unsimilar to vertigo, to a severe illness involving intense weakness and vomiting, and everything else in between. However, fortunately for those gravely ill, they will find that the pipes that run through their otherwise broken homes have been fixed. The water is clean, and more importantly, it can run hot. Electricity is faint, dim, and it flickers in an annoying way, but it now exists as well.

Traveling deeper into the heart of the city, that original feeling of wrongness may return. Lying at the base of the fountain are the corpses of three deities, each one mutilated in a horrible manner. Closer inspection will reveal the murder tool to be some kind of giant blade, though it may be difficult to determine what type of blade or who could have possibly been capable of wielding it.

However, over the next few days, every inhabitant of the city will hear that monstrous blade off in the distance as it drags along the cracked pavement of the streets. It will sound at random, sporadic times, and will always be heard, never seen. It will not disappear until the fog goes, as well.


Ok since I'm apparently suffering from the same kind of sickness that the poison gives and my brain is stupid, I'mma summarize wtf I just typed in case it doesn't make sense, because chances are it doesn't because I don't even have the physical strength to poo atm.

+ your character gets dizzy, has a fucking bad headache, passes out in tbf in the exact spot they were in icly when you dropped oocly.
+ wakes up here finding World's End covered in fog, again, in the same spot they were in. so Tom will wake up in jail, Alex will be in the clinic, etc etc.
+ fog is poisonous lol LIKE IT WAS SOME KIND OF VILE MIASMA~
+ up to you how badly the poison gets to your character
+ god corpses at the fountain
+ PHead did it and you get to listen to him wander around doing whatever it is that PHeads do, though you'll never get to see him. yet.
+ this will probs last about a week, depending on my mood (except for the water and electricity. that stays. no more shitting in the woods.)

Make sure you've friended everybody. Also, this new NPC will be paying everyone an individual visit over the course of the next week. It's up to you if you want a log, an action log, or even just an assumed visit that your character can post about. Please to be contacting me about this.

I'mma go pass out now k.


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