Fic: Set Fire to the Rain - Part II

Jan 08, 2012 22:06

Fic: {Title: Set Fire to the Rain} Part II ( link to Part I)
Fandom: BtVS/AtS/ SPN
Verse: Gimme Shelter
Characters: Faith Lehane, John Winchester, mentions of Giles, Dean Winchester, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce

Pairings: past Faith/Dean, hint of Faith and John if you squint (cause come on girl’s got chemistry with a can of paint)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 641
Beta: None so mistakes are 110% mine.
Spoilers: Post BtVS Chosen, AtS Not Fade Away, SPN Season 1, Gimme Shelter-verse
Author’s Note: I needed to re-establish Faith and John’s dynamic. In Gimme Shelter, John met Faith after busting her and Dean out of county jail. Faith was her winning self without all the ‘I’m a slayer baggage’. Six months later, it’s a totally different story. The third and final part of this is much longer than the first two parts I promise.

Summary: Six months after Faith left things badly with Dean in Reno, Nevada she’s sent on a job to help an old contact of Wesley’s

Faith sat down heavily on the double bed as she scoped out the Council supplied digs.

“Well, it’s cleaner than my motel in Sunnydale,” she said to the empty room.

Situated in a not so shady area of Miami, with a solitary table and a bathroom, she decided to take a nap while she waited for John Winchester’s call.

Pulling her leather jacket tighter around her, she kicked off her boots and burrowed into the pillows, her lids falling closed within seconds.

-- xx --

Someone was in her room.

The awareness wrenched her out of a dreamless sleep and before she could even think about her next move, she’d dropped Betsy out of her jacket sleeve and tackled the intruder to the ground. Left arm crushed against the windpipe and Betsy an inch away from an eye socket.

John Winchester.

“Hey Daddy. You got a death wish or something?”

John couldn’t speak and she smirked, holding her arm against his throat a few seconds longer before releasing him.

John gasped for air as Faith, standing a few feet away, watched him with detached curiosity. Still holding Betsy, she felt that long dormant but still familiar tingling in her body at the sense of power she had over another human life.

She sighed internally and wondered if she would ever be completely free of that darkness that danced at the periphery of everything she did.

John sat up carefully, eyes watering.

“I tracked your cellphone signal to this room, just to make sure it was you… can’t be too careful,” he choked out.

Faith shrugged, “Yeah well, when it comes to a Slayer the wrong kind of careful can get you got.”

“Duly noted.”

She tucked Betsy back up her sleeve, and picked up her boots, sitting on the edge of the bed, she put them on.

“Giles said something about a job?”

John got to his feet, keeping a safe distance between them.

“I found a nest of Mohra demons, and I need back-up and extra firepower. I tried to reach an old contact, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce but I got Mr. Giles. He told me Wesley’s dead.”

Faith flinched inwardly.

When would the mention of Wesley stop giving her a knee-jerk reaction of guilt? Would she ever stop feeling indirectly responsible for his death?

Outwardly she shrugged, “Yeah Wesley bit it more than a year ago.”

John massaged his throat gingerly, “I’m sorry to hear that. He didn’t make much of a hunter in the beginning but I bumped into him on a job in LA a couple years ago and he’d become a real pro.”

Faith brushed off his comment.

“Yeah well, survive a couple blow out bashes courtesy of evil incorporated and even the softest sap will adapt.”

John didn’t respond, wondering at the tough as nails, take no prisoners woman in front of him. She bore little resemblance to the girl who’d stared into Dean’s eyes with adoration less than half a year ago.

Silence reigned until Faith stood up purposefully, John couldn’t help but tense.

Faith flashed him a predatory grin and gestured to the motel door, “So where’s this nest at?”

John rose to his feet as Faith opened the door and stepped out.

“It’s in a sewer tunnel near a water treatment plant, ‘bout 20 minutes away from here.”

He shut the door behind him as Faith studied him with an amused gleam in her eye.

“So let’s motor Daddy.”

“We’re gonna need some more weapons,” he stated as he walked towards his pick-up truck.

Faith fell into step beside him, “You got a sword, axe or long knife?”


“Then we’re good to go.”

He threw her a startled glance, “There’s at least five Mohra there.”

“Yeah and you got a genuine Slayer with you.”

She grinned at him, “I’m all the weapon you need.” 

Sorry to end it like that!

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