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Jan 04, 2014 11:25

2013 Year in My Fic Review, format usurped from lareinenoire.


Transfusion (3110 words) by Winter_of_our_Discontent
Chapters: 2/2
Fandom: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Additional Tags: Pre-Slash, First Time, vampire!Sherlock, hints of dub-con, blood-drinking, Codependency, Post Reichenbach
But at those moments, with Sherlock pressed against his body, arms wrapped around John, John’s hand in Sherlock’s hair, the feeling of Sherlock’s mouth against John’s bare flesh, John could know Sherlock was back, could ground himself in his presence in a way that helped banish his lingering nightmares.

Most of this was written for Holmestice, but I wasn't totally happy with the original ending, so I added another thousand or so words before I posted it to AO3. I tried really hard to write in a different style (there is practically NO snark, startlingly enough), and the coda represents the first time I'd really written a sex act in a fic. ...that is apparently going to be a trend this year.

This fic was also picked for a remix challenge by a different author, but I'll post that with my remix.

Quantum of Sherlock (2954 words) by Winter_of_our_Discontent
Chapters: 6/?
Fandom: Sherlock (TV), Skyfall (2012), James Bond (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, 007/Q
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Additional Tags: bondlock, Sherlock as Q, Crossover, Johnlock - Freeform
A series of interconnected drabbles featuring Sherlock Holmes as MI-6's Quartermaster and John Watson as Agent 007.

It was really freeing to start on a set of drabbles that had to be no particular length nor anything more than what I felt like writing at the time.  ...then, of course, they started growing a plot and it all went to hell, but it's still a fun 'verse.


A Spell of Deduction (14108 words) by La Reine Noire, Winter_of_our_Discontent
Chapters: 7/?
Fandom: Sherlock (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (eventually), Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Lestrade (Inspector), Percy Weasley
Additional Tags: Crossover, post-Deathly Hallows, Pre-Slash
Newly returned from fighting Death Eaters in the Middle East, Healer John Watson gets a new flatmate and discovers he's exchanged one battleground for another in postwar London

It's really fun writing with lareinenoire, would that we were able to do so more frequently. She brings an effortless elegance to the things she writes.

Areas of Expertise (1424 words) by Winter_of_our_Discontent
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, John Watson/The Ladies
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Additional Tags: First Time, BAMF John
“John,” Sherlock said, “I need you to give me a hickey.”
This fic was a birthday gift for a friend, as well as just being an excuse to write BAMF!John.


A Weekend in the Country (5320 words) by Winter_of_our_Discontent
Chapters: 3/?
Fandom: Sherlock (TV), Skyfall (2012), Cabin Pressure, Merlin (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mummy (Sherlock), Mycroft Holmes, Merlin (Merlin), Q (Bond - Craig movies), Martin Crieff
Additional Tags: First Time, Crossover
“It may interest you to know, John, that while Sherlock is of course my younger brother, he is not my only brother.”

“Oh god,” John said, pulling himself upright, “there are more of you?"

Wherein John finally meets Sherlock’s brothers (all of them) and his mother, imagines the Christmas dinners, and learns a great deal more about his flatmate and himself.

Crackfic of a very specific sort, I decided that since now I was seeing people writing Q as a younger Holmes, and I'd already seen fics with BBC Merlin as a younger Holmes, and Martin Crieff as a younger Holmes... fuck it, ALL THE HOLMES.

Trying for a slow burn John/Sherlock, as well as attempting to write a lot more characters at a time than I usually do.


Here Be Dragons (16369 words) by Winter_of_our_Discontent
Chapters: 12/12
Fandom: Sherlock (TV), Arthurian Mythology & Adaptations - All Media Types, Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, John Watson, Mrs. Hudson, Lestrade (Inspector), the Tower Ravens
Additional Tags: Kink Meme, I'm using my degree for this, the once and future bamf, arthuriana is all fanfic anyway, Arthurian, Pre-Slash, Slash, not actually a crossover with Merlin
Series: Part 1 of The Once and Future BAMF
Sherlock is Merlin, powerful, immortal, and bored out of his skull (both of them) waiting for King Arthur's return. John, on the other hand, is completely average. Sure, he's had odd dreams his whole life, and a bit of an obsession with Stonehenge, and now ravens are visiting him... but he's still a completely ordinary bloke. Really.

The King has returned, and London wakes.

Oh, god, I finished this one. I told myself I'd do it before 221BCon happened, and I actually for once in my life made deadline. Now if I could just convince people that really, no, really, I mean it, this is NOT a crossover with BBC Merlin. Sigh. There's meant to be a sequel at some point, but I'm still getting a handle on the plot, as I'm trying to actually *have* a plot.

Making Amends (1614 words) by Winter_of_our_Discontent
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Hobbit (2012), The Hobbit - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield
Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Companions
Additional Tags: Cultural Differences, Hobbit Culture, Possible Dub-Con
Hobbits place great value on social harmony. In fact, they've developed some... unique... cultural practices to help everyone get along.

Of course, no one told Thorin Oakenshield that.

The most fun part of fantasy for me is playing with different ideas of cultures. ... somehow this translates to smut.


Comrades in Arms (1833 words) by Winter_of_our_Discontent
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Sherlock Holmes (Downey films), Sherlock Holmes (1984 TV), Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (TV Russia), Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes & John Watson
Characters: John Watson
As John came to, he decided he had just about had it with being kidnapped.

I was terribly excited to realise I finally had enough finished works in the Sherlock fandom to participate in a remix challenge. And a little nervous to see what someone would make of one of my stories. Luckily, the work in question is gorgeous, a darker re-imagining of Transfusion.

My own work is based upon my headcanon that all Johns, throughout time and space, would be BFFs and drinking buddies.

I also posted Chapter Three of A Weekend in the Country.


Fetch (3183 words) by Winter_of_our_Discontent
Chapters: 3/?
Fandom: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Tam Lin (Traditional Ballad)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, James Moriarty, John Watson's Parents, Harry Watson
Additional Tags: Post-Reichenbach, Celtic Mythology & Folklore, Fae & Fairies
Only Sherlock Holmes could manage to die and still be in mortal danger.

And now John Watson's going to have to rescue him. And punch him in the face. Probably in that order.

Inspired loosely by the folk ballad "Tam Lin."

It's funny, I feel like there's an odd (and obviously more than a little ridiculous) double standard with regards to crossovers... do it with something recent and it's crass; do it with, say, Greek Mythology and you're a cultured BAMF.

I'm still pretty excited about this fic, because the Tam Lin story is such an obvious fit for John's loss, and because BBC Moriarty makes far more sense to me as a fae than as an ostensibly human character. Fetch also represents an effort on my part to push myself with regards to plot and to write harder things and just... be a better writer. To push more.


Genius Loci (2440 words) by Winter_of_our_Discontent
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Additional Tags: Pre-Slash, Alternate Universe, poor archaeological methodology
Sherlock’s an archeologist chasing a priceless artefact. John’s a local who knows a thing or two about medicine. Good thing too, what with that stab wound Sherlock seems to have acquired.

The lovely nox_candida, for whom I have previous written Pseudoscience as part of a Holmestice Exchange, won me in the AO3 fundraiser auction and commissioned something based loosely by The Mummy. We wrote back and forth a few times, swapping ideas, and I came up with this, influenced by the two weeks I'd just spent in Southern Italy and Sicily. All those gorgeous Greek ruins...

Sacrifices Must Be Made
(4116 words) by Winter_of_our_Discontent

Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Dragonlock, earlgreytea68's AU Ficathon of Absurdity, Dragon!Sherlock - Freeform, HumanSacrifice!John
John’s not sure what to expect when he offers himself as a human sacrifice, but it definitely wasn’t this. Apparently the stories he’s heard about dragons left out a few important details.

earlgreytea68's AU ficathon was inspired by the many incredible Sherlock AUs and is dedicated to the idea that any fic prompt could, in the hands of a talented writer, transcend however silly the initial idea might appear to create something amazing. Obviously this is hella Relevant to my Interests. arbitrary_fic mentioned a HumanSacrifice and a God, next thing you know I'd written 4k of Dragon!Lock porn.

I'm proud of it, if only because I didn't know if I could write that level of explicitness comfortably or well. It also hangs together pretty tightly. The reception... I'm still sort of blown away that it's proven as popular as it has; it's currently my most popular work after Here Be Dragons. (And what a thing to be known for... :P )

There's a podfic of it now on AO3, done by Usagi_Atemu_Tom.


Night Vale Syndrome (2498 words) by Winter_of_our_Discontent
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Welcome to Night Vale
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Carlos/Cecil (Welcome to Night Vale), Carlos/OMC mentioned
Characters: Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Other Night Vale Residents
Additional Tags: Mildly Dubious Consent, Gen or Pre-Slash, Unhealthy Relationships, POV Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Typical Night Vale Weirdness, Typical Night Vale Violence, Spoilers for Episode 25: One Year Later
Inasmuch as an inanimate entity such as an incorporated city could be considered to have human emotions and preferences, Carlos was beginning to suspect Night Vale didn’t like scientists.

Ah, Night Vale. It is SUCH a fun setting to write in, and I love seeing how various fic authors are treating it. It makes me want to start writing a podcast, not because I think I'd do anything half as brilliant but because it's a wonderful example of how a few people with a great idea can produce and disseminate something that others can fall in love with. Much of the media I enjoy requires publishers and producers and giant budgets and teams of people, but WtNV represents a bit of a triumph of the Little Guy, as well as proof that you can include well written POCs and gay characters and PEOPLE WILL LIKE IT.


The Ides (3540 words) by Winter_of_our_Discontent
Chapters: 2/?
Fandom: Welcome to Night Vale
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Carlos/Cecil (Welcome to Night Vale)
Characters: Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Cecil (Welcome to Night Vale), Khoshekh (Welcome to Night Vale), Old Woman Josie, Station Management
Additional Tags: Tentacle Sex, Eldritch Abomination Cecil, First Time, Dubious Consent, Goes AU Prior to "One Year Later"
This last broadcast was odd, though. In the almost a year Carlos had lived here… which was hard to believe and not just because the sun had a tendency to set at the wrong time and sometimes Thursdays… skipped… (“Listeners, it’s like my mother used to say,” Cecil had once said. “Time flies. And so do badgers. So you’ll probably want to take an umbrella with you today.”) Cecil had never not been on the radio. Even when he’d clearly had a cold and his congestion had made an utter yet strangely adorable mess of all of his glottal consonants. Cecil was The Voice of Night Vale, and in this town that was more reliable than the sunrise, death, or taxes. Well, maybe not taxes. Even if this year he’d had to pay them in formaldehyde jars full of rats. (He was reasonably certain he hadn’t paid that way in previous years, but then, he wasn’t an accountant.)

More Night Vale. It actually feels odd to write something where my 'ship is canon.


And then I hit a dry spell.


The dry spell continued. I decided not to participate in Holmestice this year, a decision that while it saddened me turned out to have been the right one.

November in general was... the was a death in the family, another one, which I didn't talk about because it was so much closer than my grandfather's, which we at least knew was coming. The funeral was on my birthday.


The dry spell is slowly ending; I'm sitting on various snippets of various things some of which I pray may grow into things worth posting. In general it's been a good year for writing; while I still produce slowly I'm writing faster than I have in previous years. And I think, though YMMV, that I've become a better writer as well.

It's been a year, generally, of strong highs and lows; a lot of amazing and wonderful things have happened (221BCon, London, Italy, papers accepted, began teaching book arts, I've met and become friends with some really amazing people...) but the lows have been...

New Year's Resolutions include more writing, fewer funerals.

sherlock, wip, memes, writing, sherlock holmes, fanfiction, welcome to night vale, the hobbit

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