Not Dead

Aug 18, 2013 20:11

Good thing you're not used to regular updates from me, or you might have been worried.

I've been fine, just alternating between busy and sick. Since I got back from London there was CONvergence in MN, which left me with three weeks of what is colloquially known as con crud, and more officially known as an upper respiratory infection that WOULD NOT DIE. Then I was well just in time for Otakon, which was tail-ended by the start of GISHWHES ( the world's most batshit intense weeklong scavenger hunt. Which I hadn't planned on doing, per se, but RA was gung-ho for us all to join up, and I'm a sucker for being specifically asked. So that meant this week was all running around Releasing the Kraken and making Real Life Comics (no dialogue or effects allowed to be added after) or breaking the World's Record for Hugs (we did it) or making bikinis out of teabags and what have you.

It was utter madness, though I could have done without the Ear Infection from Hell that started Wednesday. After a night of not being able to sleep due to the pain I finally broke down and paid out of pocket for a diagnosis and amoxicillin from the Target walk-in Clinic. I can't wait to have health insurance again. It'll be nice not to treat everything from a sprained ankle to a respiratory infection with "man, I hope this goes away on its own."

So yeah, been a ridiculously busy.... Since April, and while I don't regret and consider myself fortunate for all of it that wasn't illness, I am very tired. Which is probably why my immune system's such crap at the moment.

Still writing, it's actually been my most productive year writing-wise. (And apparently writing Sherlock/John dragon!porn is a real winner. What is my life?) You've seen everything I've been posting, though of course I've now gotten into Welcome to Night Vale something fierce and will likely be producing in that as well at some point.

So how has everyone been?
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