Current list of characters:
1. John Watson
Just sent off my coat to a friend for bonus Watson-ing, which should consist of them adding in the shoulder patch, collar, and elbow patches. Also have truly awesome shoes.
2. River Song
Will, sadly, not have a blaster, but am switching out Utah!River for DOTM!River.
3. Bruce Banner
I'm working on these crazy Hulk hands (to see if I can do them any better than those crazy foam hands you can buy at Target, etc). Still not sure if it'll work, but I'm having a lot of fun making them. Other than that, all done.
4. Rockabilly Poison Ivy
based on
this. Just decided to do it a few days ago, so lots to do.
5. Super Sekrit Costume
god, I need to get going on this.
I *think* that's all of them this year, though of course all D*Con costumes are subject to change without notice.