Apr 23, 2009 18:41
"Aah... Is everyone alright?"
*sounds of pacing*
"I'm thankful I was in the library at the time! ... But... Dragons of all things?! ..."
"If anyone needs any minor help, just ask... I'm not medi-wizard by far, but I know a few minor healing spells..."
[[OOC: Kunzite would be wherever everyone had been told to group together, he's probably pacing by one of the doors looking worried and a little unsteady, he'll try and help anyone who asks, but oddly though he can use minor healing spells, he hasn't thought to heal the cut on his forehead or the one on his left shoulder... They aren't bad enough to bother him, aside from the slight bleeding. ^.^ If asked about them he'll be startled and then shrug it off... Yay shock! XD]]
is everyone ok?,
wtf dragons?!?!?