Movie: Dylan Dog: Dead of Night

May 08, 2011 00:10

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night - a Supernatural mystery/comedy indie film. Actually, I liked it, even though we talked about the movie after wards that there were a number of problems: too many conflicting genre, some plot problems. Over all though, the dialogue was great, the acting was good, good effects and some really well done moments of comedy. Definitely a 'B' movie in most respects. It really reminds me of the Simon Pegg & Nick Frost brand of comedy. So yea, even while laughing at or complaining about some aspects - we all enjoyed the movie. Our talk fest after wards was mostly on how we thought it could have been tightened up into something really good. It's like they had some strong scenes and then .... fell apart at how to tie up the film.

I talk about some more direct spoilers on what I liked/what worked and what didn't

The problems:
--They had a Noir voice over that just didn't fit the mood of the film (and didn't work for the age of the main character).
--Our angsty hero refusing to sleep with the girl one moment, then a little later, oh yea, lets get it on. huh?
--The hero got stupider as the film went on, till at the end he was fighting the main monster even though it had been stated several times to take out the monster - you had to take out his 'master'. But that would mean killing the 'girl' and I guess he just couldn't do that.
--The girl taking out a whole slew of vampires, yet can't do anything against some werewolves.

What worked:
--The several scenes between the hero instructing his now dead sidekick in how to live as a zombie. Very deadpan and amusing while the sidekick is living in denial-land.
--The girl being a 'hunter' of supernatural creatures and basically being the villain in her motives of any ends justify the means.
--The zombie self-help meeting! LOL! Actually almost any zombie scene was rife with comedy.
--I found it funny that while angsting, the hero was wearing basically cargo pants and a geeky shirt. When he goes out to confront his supernatural contacts and get back 'in the game', it's all goth red/black and well dressed.

Worth seeing: Definitely worth renting if you enjoy B movies and MST3K'ing them.


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