mcshep_match recs, pt 3.
I have finally finished and voted for every story. Go ME!
Here's the final set of ones I've especially enjoyed this year. Though, I enjoyed every story, some just hit me a little stronger than others. A huge thank you to all the hard working writers and artists! 30 days of art and stories! OMG! Such a pleasure to read them all.
Ain't That A Kick In The Head (Team Work): Nice action-packed teamy adventure with good bits for all. I liked the heavy h/c elements, and working in of events in John's past and how it affected him.
A Question of Quantum Physics, Molecular Attraction and Timing (Team Work) : Long AU with plenty of sex and fun and games between John & Rodney. Loved the guessing game John proposed instead of telling Rodney what he did for a living.
Beyond The Pale (Team Work): Art. Some really great art this year. I enjoyed all the elements to this one as a DVD cover - not only clips that tell a story (and look at all the naked ones!), but also clever puns in the DVD description of the 'movie'. LOL.
Cloud Nine (Team Work): A long AU about everyone working in the weather industry/weather stations. I loved all the attention to detail, and even knowing NOTHING about it, found the information given was not confusing - and I learned something too!