Happy Valentines Day to my FL!
Here's some kitty and SGA action figure pictures to celebrate! :) SGA wave 3 is FINALLY out, so I dashed off to my local comic book store to pick up mine.
Here Eowyn says she likes the box - of course
And here Eowyn fights Kethry for Ronon.
Garrison Uniform John Sheppard comes with: Drone, P90, ZPM, GDO and ancient scanner. He's got the straps around his leg for the gun holster - but no holster! Looks sort of silly, they should have either had the holster or left off the straps! but he's never without the gun, so..
Col. Samantha Carter: ZPM, GDO, P90, touch screen computer and side of ancient chair
Wraith Drone: Wraith stunner, large wraith stunner, wraith pokey thing, Asguard controller stone (?!) and seat of Ancient Chair
Ronon Dex: P90, small knife, his gun, stick, GDO and back of ancient chair
Dr. Jennifer Keller: Laptop (rodney is upset. He wanted the laptop!), two ancient scanner things and side of ancient chair