Sep 26, 2005 16:10
First it was a new helmet, which I needed because I got into an accident whilst going 20 mph and hit my head on the ground pretty hard. The helmet wasn't cracked, but it was a distinctly uncool 2002 Giro Transit that was sweat-salted from thousands of miles under the sun. Besides, the powers that be state that helmets are meant to protect you in only one fall... so I took it as an opportunity to upgrade to a Giro Monza (couldn't quite justify buying the Pneumo, which used to be the Lance helmet until they came out with the Atmos).
Then came the gloves. Nothing big, but the ones I've been wearing have gotten all stretched out, and a year's worth of wiping my nose on it has left it distinctly dingy. Even after running it through the washing machine, I don't trust that it's quite clean.
Then I decided I want arm and leg warmers so I can ride in winter.
And finally, I've knuckled under on sunglasses. A friend of mine from Bike Forums pointed out that my Bolles don't fit that well. They stay in place while they're dry, but the moment I start to sweat (which is generally pretty soon) they start to slip, and I am forever pushing them back up my face. Get Rudy Projects, he said. So I poked around the web a little, saw how expensive those things are, and politely declined.
But every ride where my sunglasses slipped, my resolve weakened. Today, I bought a pair. They haven't arrived yet, but they're supposed to be infinitely adjustable. At $130, they'd better be.