Challenge 130: Redux

Jun 10, 2012 04:02

100 to 1000 words about any of the challenges under the cut!

Challenge answers to be posted as separate entries within the community. As always, feel free

to respond to the challenge in other media forms than writing if you are so inclined (icons,


Have a word or a phrase that you think would make great fodder for fic? Comment.

Also, for those that are part of A03, there is a collection to which you can post your

challenge fics to (collections= "winter_deaddrop"). You don't have to, but feel free.

130: Redux
129: Adulterated
128: Service
127: Crossover
126: Shot
125: Mojito
124: Handlers
123: Suits
122: Contracts
121: Diversions
120: Redux
119: The Charger
118: Victor
117: Larry
116: Bly
115: Jesse
114: Madeline
113: Sam
112: Fiona
111: Michael
110: Redux
109: Blueberry Yogurt
108: Evidence
107: Wetworks
106: Tapping
105: Cooking
104: Parking Garage
103: Never Missed
102: Misery
101: Graduation
100: Redux
99 Counter-Intelligence
98 Winter
97 Ugly
96 Brains
95 Larry
94 Rings
93 Hurricane
92 Change
91 Stormy
90 Redux
89 Sugar
88 Keycard
87 Vine
86 Assets
85 Briefing
84 Haywire
83 Priorities
82 New
81 Cool
80 Redux
79 Jumping
78 Peach
77 Best Friend
76 Columbia
75 Bruises
74 Show of Force
73 The child
72 Baseball
71 Redux
70 full disclosure
69 wrench
68 first love
67 child's play
66 destiny
65 playoffs
64 right tools
63 working for peanuts
62 bars
61 covert seductions
59 the best day ever
58 date night
57 the future
56 costume
55 down time
54 enemy of my enemy
53 Berlin
52 Simon
51 team building
50 redux
49 candles
48 marble
47 surveillance
46 hands
45 Madison, Wisconsin
44 boot camp
43 remodeling
42 the right shoes for the job
41 wheelchair
40 redux
39 one phone call
38 houseguest
37 flowers
36 Tell me that was part of the plan
35 Madeline Westen
34 code
33 ingredients
32 the longest day
31 bathrobe
30 redux
29 Father’s day
28 asset
27 luggage
26 reunion
25 accent
24 memories
23 management
22 Michael McBride
21 Mrs. Sam Axe
20 redux
19 May I borrow this
18 greeting cards
17 home improvement
16 eight ball between the [supply word here]
15 lock picking
14 Fiona’s favorite things
13 thrift
12 sibling rivalry
11 caught with your pants down
10 redux
9 new job
8 going home
7 flying on a jet plane
6 fireworks
5 souvenirs
4 “It’s always the little things”
3 anniversary
2 golf
1 sand


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