I asked my best friend to download some videos for me since I no longer have time. I watched SCREW's Xanadu first. Okay, I need translation to understand the song. I just didn't expect Kazuki will be on close-up first. I was like, "whoah". Haha.
Kazuki's hair is looooooooong again, ehmergehd... and as I've noticed about Byou, he looks nice with his normal eyes... no contacts or whatever... I mean, he doesn't need to try.
Then SuG's Fat Inside Horror was next. It was the first time I've seen a video of them with only one place or two. Most of the time, they're here and everywhere. And oh, Takeru, you're wearing all of my favorite accessories in one pv. I love you man, lol. That ear/lip thinggy (I really don't know what that is called), the dog tag and the ring. Nomnomnom.
It was the right thing I decided to watch NU'EST's NOT OVER YOU last cuz... I can't stop laughing. I don't know what to feel. I'm like: sdfjkvnhcjghjuergbfjd the whole video. I still can't watch it in full concentration even for how many times I've played it cuz really --- I can't even put into words what I feel skldjfkngjhfivbjkfd.