Jun 08, 2007 07:28
Ok so I watched the first ep of Robot last night.
First off, you can see why Big Bad Tom was (and still is) so v v popular. He was just so - Doctor-ish. What with the costume changes, the mood shifts etc etc, so much fun. Re the costume changes, the King of Hearts outfit made me think of the Celestial Toymaker for some reason.
Speaking of costumes, *what* was that awful .... thing .... Sarah Jane was wearing???? Even Miss Winters looked better. Loved the open top sports car she got to drive though.
I also wondered what Professor Kettlewell had been doing to get his hair standing on end like that. I know he was supposedly working on alternative energy, so maybe he'd been testing them by sticking his fingers in sockets or something?
I did like the robot's POV stuff. The corrugated screen effect was quite fun, as were the glimpses of its own 'hands'. That said, I've also had some issues about those hands (pincers??) - the rods or cables that the pincers were connected to always seemed to fragile to hold those things. Loved the rest of the beastie though.
Other things. Liking a lot the way the Brig and Benton accept the Doctor's latest regeneration. So very ho hum and blase. Also Mr Hands in Pockets I'm a *Naval* Officer Harry Sullivan. Wonder how many takes it took to get the skipping thing right?