
Sep 30, 2009 09:40

I got paid today! But prior to that, as I mentioned, I had been sniffing around the art department and the law school for cigarette stubs that weren't all smoked. The law students probably think I'm a slightly better dressed hobo. (I imagine the art students think I'm another art student.)

But yesterday I as I was prowling the law school, an older woman going into the building gave me absolutely the sweetest smile, even though I looked like a total degenerate. (I hadn't showered that day anyway. I'm working on a stressful poem with I should have posted yesterday. Which... is... an excuse?)

Honestly it made my day. Then, only half an hour later, I returned to see if any more had appeared, and there were FOUR cigarettes, only 1/4 smoked, totally unbent. Three were of the same brand. I guess someone smoked the first few drags of three cigarettes in half an hour? (Marb lights-- not a bad catch at all.)

THEN, after fiction, I wandered by the same place (I had exhausted the art school). I didn't think I'd find any because it was so incredibly windy they would have blown out of the ashtray. But pushed into the sand of the ashtray was an upside down cup, and under it was a barely smoked Marb Light, safe from the wind.

This may be sappy, but I chose to think that that either that woman or someone else in the law school was leaving them for me.

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