Jan 29, 2010 16:02
extra hot nas lyric of the day:
"...made you look
you're a slave to a page
in my rhyme book"
-- made you look
every once in a while, i'll really feel myself and have slight delusions of grandeur.
i could luck up and create a clever design: "holy crap, i'm good. i should charge more for this."
i could convince an attractive woman to give me her number: "i'm cool as shit. and she knows it."
i could see "fresh, new!" clothes in a magazine spread that i already own: "my fashion sense is impeccable."
i could look just a little less weird naked in the mirror: "i'm a glorious man."
these moments are few and far between... but i admit, i have them. i guess we all do. we think we're just a little bit better than we actually are. a little smarter, a little funnier, a little bit better-looking. alcohol is usually involved with said delusions, but not for my latest one.
yesterday, i was discussing president obama's state of the union address with some people. i jokingly referred to it as his "EFF YOU!" speech. i got weird looks.
what the crap is he talking about?
they didn't get why i would say that.
so... ok, maybe i was wrong. then, i saw this:
so, after i finished laughing my ass off, all i could think was, "i totally wrote that joke first! see, they just didn't understand my genius! why am i toiling in a 9-5? i should be a writer! i'm an AWESOME writer!"
it's an idea i've tossed around for some time. i love writing. i love telling stories (clearly, that doesn't necessarily translate into consistent LJ posts... but hey, only three of you read this. maybe three...). i don't love it as much as artwork, but it comes much easier to me. i've always thought it would be really cool to write a tv series. or a movie screenplay. and the deluge of crap entertainment out there makes me think that i can't be any worse than these guys (see, there's that delusion, again...).
more than a few people have said that i should write a book. the sordid details of my past aren't things i would feel comfortable chronicling for the whole world to dissect, but i could see myself fictionalizing (is that a word?) them for mass consumption.
hence, the sitcom that i must sell to HBO, "TOO BIG AND BLACK." it's really just a bunch of crap that happened to me and friends from college to my mid-20's. hilariously disgusting crap. some of which was chronicled right here on my LJ.
so, now here i am, thinking that i have a plethora of tales that would entertain a bunch of people. entertain them so much, they'd be willing to pay for the service. never mind that i have no formal training. that i have some kinda e.e. cummings syndrome when it comes to capitalization. that you can't exactly just submit a resume and then BOOM your a writer/author. no, none of that matters.
i'm an awesome writer.
delusions be damned.
lyric of the day,
daily show,