Aug 05, 2003 01:53
I'm an incredibly curious person. Perhaps it's due to my upbringing, or my chosen profession, or simply being nosy. It gets me in trouble sometimes, but more often than not, I get away scot free. I decided to pay a surprise visit to the boy yesterday, to try and mend things up before they dragged on any further. I can't even remember what we were bickering over in the first place. He wasn't home, but I've a key. I think someone giving you their housekey symbolises something big, relationship-wise. A small token that says, "Hey, I trust you. I want you to sneak in during the small hours of the morning and surprise me." And that's the fun part. Or they just want you to water their plants when they've gone on holiday.
Anyway, I let myself in and decided to have a look at his record collection. There was a box over in the corner labeled 'demos', so naturally I had a listen. There's something amazing and raw about music put to tape before it's glossed up in the studio. You hear the little mistakes, the lyrics before they've been made grammatically correct (or not, in some cases), just the whole thought process really. I always think of songwriting like giving birth. You've got conception, the incubation period, and then present the finished product to the world for mass consumption. I suppose if you look at it, this is the only way for some men to have a child. Ha ha. So I made myself some tea, sat down, and had a listen. Thought Noel might get cross with me for listening to some rough product he never intended to release, but it made me fall a little bit more in love with him. Someone should really tell Liam Gallagher to give up the lead singer position already and let his brother take over forever. Of course, I could also be pretty biased. ;-)
In a better mood than I had been to say the very least and am currently enjoying it very much. Olly's been calling about the next trip, and I think we need to put a lot more time into that. I hate thinking about leaving but I miss being out there as well, I suppose. Got to do some work sometime.