Hmm, since I've been single again, haven't got much of a chance to post anything. Been kept busy with back-to-back assignment deadlines and tests. And also moved into a lovely split level apartment with another Singaporean friend :) Nothing has happened much this semester in Sydney except for the declaration of my singlehood, a few partying nights, a few hot dates and a few blonde streaks in my hair but otherwise it's just uni and gym (sadly i am still the same build).
Getting rather cold now as winter approaches in a week's time (
vagabondt where's your usual weather update?) which also means exams are just around the corner. And I'm coming back to Singapore! Fateful date would be 30th June with Junior, Spikey and vaga if he doesn't manage to get an earlier flight. So there.
This LJ post is intended to inform friends of my survival.