Are you unhappy with the way Season 7 ended up like I am...with Dean in Purgatory and not calling out for Sam, I know WTF right? Where the hell did the bromance go? Are you upset with the writing going downhill for ALL the characters? Then do something about it
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So I know and understand what you are talking about. Had they done it right and not tried to make Dean look like an ass when he came back, like he hadn't GROWN UP in the life (hunting) and had it just be that he came back, it wouldn't have been as bad (even having that troll of a woman as his PAST love interest), however Sera thought that to bring Sam up, she had to tear Dean down and that is soooooo not correct. That is like a Stephanie Myers way of writing. Crap, crap, crap. And so, SHE ruined Season 6 for that as well as the want to use the hell out of her vibrators and see Jared shirtless over and over what with his being soulless and a douche bag. Apparently Miss Gamble has some major issues she needs to see someone about regarding what kind of a man turns her on. *shudders*
At any rate, I think that we all need to relax and just see where this NEW show runner takes us. It sure as hell can't be any worse than Sera Gamble. YUCK, YUCK, and DOUBLE YUCK! *flips off Sera* Good riddance to bad rubbish!
We'll here it is two years later and we'll still here. I had such high hopes for Season 7 and it started out so great but something changed mid season. Honestly I think it's something higher up the food chain than the writers have control over but I won't go into that here. Let's just say that the Winchesters chemistry was getting a little too close for comfort...and the new president has more $$$ on his mind that quality TV.
SG leaving is a whole 'nother story we can talk about elsewhere ;)
Personally, after what I have witnessed at the Eyecon I went to when Jared came out nearly in tears and starting tearing into us about J2 and how he and Jensen were not lovers and that he hated to smash our sick fantasies, yadda yadda yadda, I would go so far as to hold his phobia of that accountable as well as the CW network itself. And yes, he apparently has the power to do that since he mentioned wanting to do an episode where he worked out and he not only got one he got two of them. *huffs and shakes head*
I saw Jared's little tirade from Eyecon (the short little vid) and yeah he was really pushing it hard (not literally lol). The boom has been lowered on them and it's worming it's way into the show now which is just pure paranoia on everyone's part.
All we can do is bitch and gripe (and write letters) to make ourselves feel a little better but TBH it's mainly just raising my blood pressure to dangerous levels...and I've got enough on my plate already.
You know I'm not combative or argumentative but I am very passionate about some things. The show is one of those things that is now ingrained in my soul, but sometimes I wish I was still clueless to the fandom side of it *sigh*
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