Dear Yuletide Author

Oct 08, 2017 18:45

Dear Yuletide Author

Thanks so much, dearest Yuletide Writer, for agreeing to gift me with your time and talent through a story!  I know going in that I will seriously LOVE anything you write.

First, I want to say that I am basically using my previous Yuletide Author Letter as I have requested the same fandoms as last year.  Just my actual request prompts may have changed slightly.  I am so intrigued by the characters that I’ve listed, and anything that you do with them will be satisfying, I am certain.  If you are just not feeling my optional prompts-remember, they’re optional.  That’s what this fest is all about.  In the same vein, if instead of the adventure/mystery/crime/business plots, you want to write a character study or a quiet interior piece, please feel free.  It will take me totally by surprise and give me more depth and insight into my darling fandoms, and I’m sure that your creativity + our fandom = sheer, unmitigated glory!.

I’d like to start by saying that I adore slash, though it isn’t necessary for the fic:  you can go for the male bonding or buddy fic or bromance.  I am most interested in the dynamics of relationship, how a character negotiates difference between himself and his companion/lover/friend, and how he calls upon his relationships to help them interact with their world.  I would request, however, that you do not write these characters in het relationships.  I also begin to retch at fluff or crack happening between my ‘manly’ characters.  Non-con, watersports, necrophilia, scat are major squicks for me, though feel free to bring on the BDSM or hot, angry sex, if you are so inclined!

Next, I would really prefer it if you could avoid character bashing, particularly the female characters in these fandoms.  Just because the guys are more into each other than the women doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with them, so if you could keep it from being the female character’s ‘fault’ that the men prefer each other, I will love you forever.  The women don’t have to be ‘good,’ in fact, I adore the scenes in which Fiona’s beliefs war with what she is growing to learn about the world, and she makes big mistakes.   It’s just that I don't like to see characters given negative qualities that aren't in their canon, or put in positions that draw really negative interpretations of their actions because the author disliked them for some reason.  If you write them as human, I will be happy, and if you really dislike a character, I'd rather you just quietly exclude them from the story.

Finally, thank you so much for doing this. I am so excited to see what you choose to do with my little obsessions.   I also allowed anonymous comments for this post in case you have further questions (or just want to squee with a fellow fan!).

Just for your convenience, I have my requests copied under the cut so that all my comments are in one place.


1.    Rai-Kirah - Carol Berg
Seyonne, Aleksander, Denas

Prefer: plotty, mystery-solving story with all of the familial, class, demonic, and
friendship drama to be found among the Derzhi court and Ezzaria society; character
development; slash (preferable, but not imperative).

2.    The Administration - Manna Francis
Val Toreth, Keir Warrick, Jean-Paul Baptiste Carnac, Carl Ruiz,

Prefer: plotty story with crime-solving (think the Selwyn or Kemp cases); character development; slash (preferably with a little/lot of their BDSM shenanigans!). I really would like the gritty dystopian New London of the book; witty dialogue between Warrick, Carnac, and Toreth (OK, slightly more threatening than witty on Toreth's part)!

3.    Coldfire Trilogy - C. S. Friedman
Damien Vryce, Gerald Tarrant

Prefer: plotty, mystery-solving story (good battle scenes a serious plus!); more of their
pasts before the series would be yummy; character development; slash and/or hurt/comfort
would definitely be preferable, but not imperative.

fanfiction, yuletide

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