Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 28, 2012 18:30

First, the most important thing I want to tell you, Yuletide Writer, is that I will seriously LOVE anything you write. Anything written in one of the small fandoms that I love just enriches the earth!

Second, I apologize If the stuff I wrote seems to box you in.  Just take it and run with it, I’m sure that your creativity + our fandom = sheer, unmitigated glory!

Third, I love the characters that I’ve listed, and anything that you do with them will be satisfying, I am certain.  If you are just not feeling my optional prompts-remember, they’re optional.  If you have a wildly different impulse-go for it!  That’s what this fest is all about.  In the same vein, if instead of the mystery/crime plots, you want to write a drama, character study or quiet interior piece, please feel free!  I’m sure that it will take me totally by surprise and give me more depth and insight into my darling fandoms.

Fourth, I prefer slash, though it isn’t necessary for the fic:  you can go for the male bonding or buddy fic or bromance.  I would request, however, that you do not write these characters in het relationships.  I also begin to retch at fluff or crack happening between my ‘manly’ characters.  Non-con, watersports, necrophilia, scat are major squicks for me, though feel free to bring on the BDSM or hot, angry sex, if you are so inclined!

Finally, thank you so much for doing this. I am so excited to see what you choose to do with my little obsessions.   I also allowed anonymous comments for this post in case you have further questions (or just want to squee with a fellow fan!).

Just for your convenience, I have my requests copied under the cut so that all my comments are in one place.

Requested (in order of preference):

  1. Elementary (TV) 

    Tobias Gregson

Marcus Bell

Sherlock Holmes (Elementary)

Javier Abreu

Would love to see Sherlock with any of the other men, particularly in a sort of battle for detective/relationship dominance, don't care who comes out 'on top'! A good mystery to be solved would be a definite plus!

I'm not a fan of fluff, but since it's Yuletide, would prefer a happy ending (perhaps, a la the series, with a twist or surprise)

  1. Shadow of the Templar - M. Chandler 

    Nate Waxman

Johnny Pilgrim

Jeremy Archer

Bran Lindsey

Would love a major component to be a hurt/comfort or bromance with Johnny and Nate (doesn't need to be sexual, though--yummmmmm!). I'd really like to see Nate grow more confident and self-assured, perhaps with Johnny's help (along with help from the rest of the crew). Some Jeremy/Bran back (or front) story (a la Cuckoo's Egg) wouldn't go amiss, either.

I'm not a fan of fluff, but since it's Yuletide, would prefer a happy ending (which could be the Nate deciding to stand up for himself and TAKING what he wants [Johnny, perhaps??????]

  1. The Administration - Manna Francis 

    Val Toreth

Keir Warrick

Jean-Paul Baptiste Carnac

Want Carnac's witty dialogue! Want him and Warrick in the same room discussing Toreth! Want the gritty dystopian New London of the book, with moments of light cast by either Toreth's relationship (the one he is not supposed to be capable of) with Warrick and/or Carnac's incomparable golden looks and golden tongue (so to speak!).  A good mystery to be solved would be a definite plus!

I'm not a fan of fluff, but since it's Yuletide, would prefer a happy ending (which could just be Toreth telling Warrick that he'll always come back to him, or something--nothing out of character)

  1. Lighthouse Duet - Carol Berg 


Valen (Lighthouse Duet)

Would love the scene in which the Prince tells Valen that he (Osriel) will get his money's worth from his new 'servant.'  A plotty mystery to be solved would be a definite plus!

I'm not a fan of fluff, but since it's Yuletide, would prefer a happy ending (which could just be Osriel telling Valen that he'll like what happens, or something--nothing out of character)

yuletide, writing, ficfests

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