(no subject)

Jul 17, 2012 10:11

Well, it doesn't look as though my job will survive in its current form past the end of the month. After that, it'll be a combination of part-time work for people who had worked here before who are establishing their own companies. Which is fine - since Joe got his new job last year, he makes enough money on his own for us to live on. Anything extra is gravy.

Which got me thinking. My experience is so specific that the likelihood of me finding a full-time job at my current pay rate is kind of small. I'll have to take a step backward, regardless. So...why not make a change?

I've looked into what it will take to get my teaching certification. It's neither onerous nor particularly expensive. I can probably do it within the year. I've been toying with the idea for years. Now, with things changing so significantly here, I really ought to do it. Joe's in favor of the idea, Catherine's starting school herself in August - it's a perfect time.

Of course, it requires going back to school. Which I'm not crazy about - it's almost 20 years since I left, and I'm not excited about going back, but...whatever. I think I'm going to do it.

career change

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