
Jan 17, 2012 15:57

So, I spent most of 2011 vacillating from candidate to candidate in the GOP primaries, flitting from one to another, jumping on this bandwagon and that. I started off not really interested in anyone - I liked some, but didn't think they had a chance; disliked others who did, and really didn't start to even think about who I'd ultimately support until July, when I had a vague preference for Pawlenty, but was really hoping to see Rick Perry jump into the race. Well, as you all know, Pawlenty jumped out even as Perry jumped in. And I was happy.

And then Perry made himself look like a baboon on the debate stage, and I cast about for a new candidate. I lit upon Herman Cain, as did a whole bunch of people. In truth, I'd always had a fondness for him, but, as with so many others, it didn't look like his campaign had much of a chance. But he seemed to take off, and I was happy.

Then the women. And, while my feelings about the veracity of their claims leans toward asking the question, "Where are they now?", the way his campaign handled the entire controversy was just bad. To the point where I couldn't see my way clear to vote for a man whose CAMPAIGN advisors were so abysmally incompetent - what guarantee did I have that his actuall administration would hire better ones? So I started eying some other candidates and...well, there in the background, always stellar in the debates, was Newt Gingrich. Sure, he had some baggage, but who doesn't?

And then Newt showed his true colors in his completely indefensible attacks on Mitt Romney. Then Perry jumped in and helped. Through it all, Rick Santorum - my dark horse favorite "but he doesn't have a chance in hell" candidate lurked at the back of the pack, waiting for his turn, which finally came, right in time for Iowa. We finally gave him money shortly before Iowa, and I'm sure that's why he did so well.

But it's still probably going to be Romney, and I'm okay with that - better than I was with McCain, that's for sure. Heck, I voted for Romney last time around.

There were three bandwagons on which I never did jump, though. Bachmann (I cringed when she announced that she was running), Huntsman (Mr Smarmy), and the nutty Ron Paul. Honest to God - what on earth do people see in him? Does the hysterical ranting work? The "We're constantly bombing these countries" lies (which countries are we constantly bombing? Seriously - which?) The insane and downright scary foreign policy? The "We have to get back to the ConstiTOOtion!" when he patently doesn't know the difference between the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? The unconscionably nasty, ill-founded attacks on other candidates?

Oh - it's the idea of selling all the gold in Ft Know to pay off the national debt, isn't it?

All of this said...I think it sucks that the whole thing will be decided before anyone west of the Mississippi even gets to cast a vote. Something needs to be done about the primary system in this country.

politics, commentary, election 2012

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