(no subject)

Apr 07, 2010 08:48

Okay, this is getting scary. I can only assume that he's doing it deliberately. Either that, or he's a clueless nincompoop, and, frankly, neither option is particularly comforting.

Right on the heels of yesterday's announcement, basically, that - "Hey! State sponsors of terrorism that don't have nukes of your own! Go ahead! Hit us with your biological and chemical weapons - we won't nuke you!" (there's a national security policy for you - if I were Janet Napolitano I'd be shrieking "Stop! Stop!" except that she's convinced that I'm more of a threat than bin Laden) we have today's decision to remove words like "Jihad" and "Islamic extremism" from our National Security documents.

And it's gotten us, what, exactly, in world standing? About the same reaction as we got to anything Bush did.

"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad derided Obama on Wednesday, depicting him as an ineffective leader influenced by Israel to target Iran more aggressively.

"American materialist politicians, whenever they are beaten by logic, immediately resort to their weapons like cowboys," Ahmadinejad said in a speech before a crowd of several thousand in northwestern Iran."

I mean, I agree with Ahmadinewackjob that Obama is in WAY over his head and is ineffective to boot, but weren't these the people he wanted to placate?

obama, foreign policy

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