(no subject)

Nov 06, 2009 12:49

Let's see. This week's dementor attacks have been diverse and widespread. Those that affected me directly were these:

On Tuesday, I was entering invoices into our accounting system when I noticed that one of them was for a service that was never performed. One of my co-workers and I investigated, and, sure enough, it wasn't something we needed to pay, even though it looked very much like the other invoices we'd received from that vendor and I doubt very much that it would have raised any red flags if we'd sent it up for payment. We saved the company $600 for our observation and investigation. Not a whole lot, but, hey - every little bit counts, right?

She spent a good TEN MINUTES grilling my co-worker about how it was that we discovered this, as though we'd made a horrific mistake instead of using our powers of observation and investigation to save the company some money. Of course, we're not ALLOWED to use said powers - they are for her use, only.

Yesterday, she wanted to go through a newly revised report that I had worked on. Well, she'd made some tweaks, and changed the data presentation so that the formulas were no longer accurate. Instead of fixing the formulas to conform to her data configuration, she blamed me because the formulas were incorrect, and now she's insisting that, instead of summing the long column of numbers (and dividing by two, because, for reasons I don't understand, she wants the subtotals per property in the same column as the individual line items), I'm to go Cell+Cell+Cell+Cell - a total of 68 cells in all. Which is inelegant, cumbersome, impossible to trouble-shoot because there are so many cells that the program doesn't highlight them any more, and generally stupid. Furthermore, when she does these summations (and this drives me stark raving mad, instead of doing them in a format like "=A3+A12+A42+A63..." she does them as though she's doing a summation: "=sum(A3+A12+A42+A63...)" You don't need the word "Sum" or the parentheses, lady.

Well I don't give a good goddamn, I'm not doing it that way.

I've been having fantasies of getting another job, but keeping it under my had until she really pisses me off, and then saying what I think and walking out, and I really hope that day comes to pass.

I've had a bad attitude all day. Good thing a) she's leaving in an hour and b) I have the afore-mentioned four-day weekend.


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