
Jul 08, 2009 09:51

Well, for the third time in just over 18 months, I'm losing a pet. Last night, Zack's breathing got extremely labored, so Joe took him into the vet this morning. Now, mind you, he's so old (14 or so) that it's just not financially justifiable for us to do much to save him (which, mind you, is exactly how government-run healthcare will work - word to the wise). So he's having some x-rays - the vet thinks it's probably a tumor in his throat. So, if that's what it is, we'll get him some anti-inflammatories and bring him home for a few days, and then, on Saturday, we'll probably take him in to be put to sleep.

He's still a total Golden Retriever, though - still chases his ball, still wants to play, still eats all of his food all the time. Other than the breathing issue, he's pretty happy.


UPDATE: He has a large tumor around his heart, and smaller ones around his lungs. So the vet is giving us some meds for about a week and, if, they're effective, we'll continue with them. If not, we'll have to take him back in next week. But we're going to make sure he has a good week, anyway, with plenty of good food.


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