Jun 23, 2009 10:03
- 10:26 RT @dcjc: RT @jaketapper $42,861,936 = $ POTUS got from lawyers n 2008 pres. run. Next-education $22,342,123///So No tort reform huh? #
- 10:29 RT @EdMorrissey: Ice-cream run with daughters? No prob. Obama & Biden in a golf cart Sunday while Iran burns? WTF? #tcot bit.ly/qTErf #
- 10:32 RT @EdMorrissey:Endgame in Iran? Revolutionary Guard says they'll clear the streets if protests continue bit.ly/CQRFo And then what? #
- 10:38 RT @RepMikePence: RT @GOPLeader: WaPo: Recovery's Missing Ingredient: New Jobs bit.ly/4mUYkD #tcot #stimulus (@gopconference) #
- 10:38 RT @jimgeraghty: Yes, Tehran is burning, but finally we're having a White House event about the FDA regulating tobacco. #
- 10:42 RT @GOPLeader:NYT: White House Changes the Terms of a Campaign Pledge About Posting Bills Online bit.ly/BZngX/// Yeah that'll happen. #
- 10:46 RT @JimDeMint: I'll introduce Health Care Freedom Act tomorrow, join free market groups on Wed. to respond to President's tv special #
- 10:46 @ JimDeMint - Looking forward to it! #
- 09:22 RT @andrewbreitbart:If we can't agree Perez Hilton is human atrocity & must B shunned we'll never agree on anything.Stand up 2 this thug ... #
- 09:29 I love this - RT @Drudge_Report: GLAAD Says: Apologize! tinyurl.com/qm9p9v #
- 09:33 RT @GOPLeader: Boehner Op-Ed: Where Are the Jobs, Mr. President? bit.ly/3XWib #
- 09:43 RT @JimDeMint: Introduced the Health Care Freedom Plan, insures more Americans in half the time at no new cost tinyurl.com/n7slvc #
- 09:58 RT @michellemalkin: RT @ColtAbles: Major [Garrett]: (On Iran) 'What took you so long?' #tcot #
- 10:02 RT @Lileks: Ed McMahon's job every night: move down the couch and out of the frame, without complaints, and w/ cheer & easy dignity. RIP. #
- 10:02 @ MajoratWH - Great question! #
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