
Jan 08, 2009 10:15

  • 16:28 The Witch has a new nickname - she's a Dementor (Harry Potter)-sucks the joy out away. We just need to figure out how to cast a Patronus... #
  • 16:44 Hmm. LJ not responding. This is double-plus ungood. #
  • 08:19 I'm so glad our landlord is working so hard to get the giant drafty gap next to my desk fixed. ::freezing:: #
  • 08:39 @ hughhewitt - "Vicious Aloysius" was a fave of yours?! Wow. She scared the crap out of most of us (I had her for sophomore honors bio). #
  • 09:21 Why is KFYI broadcasting Obamessiah's complete lack of understanding of the role of government? Why can't I listen to my regular program? #
  • 09:26 "Some people might be skeptical"? Yeah, you could say that. #
  • 09:27 Yeah, it'll be free of earmarks. Because the whole thing is just one GIANT earmark. #
  • 09:33 Overcoming "the same narrow partisanship"? That's why Pelosi's changing Congress' fairness rule-it's less partisan when the GOP is excluded. #
  • 09:42 How is saddling future generations with oceans of debt the best thing for our children? #
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