Title: Tactical Advange
hyperemmalawlz Fandom: Glee
Characters/Pairing: Finn/Will, Kurt. References to Finn/Rachel and Finn/Quinn.
Word Count: 6700
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kurt gets to be a good brother, and pick Finn up from a place he shouldn't be when Finn's hurting. Will gets to be a bad... everything.
Spoilers: Up to 2x10, "A Very Glee Christmas."
Warnings: Swearing, teacher/student, sexual references.
Author's Notes: Written for the
glee_angst_meme, the prompt: "Will loses Emma. Finn loses Rachel. Both of them are lonely and miserable, and end up gravitating towards each other, which culminates in a one night stand at Will's apartment. The morning after, Will is filled with fear, shame and self-disgust, and runs away for a while. Finn wakes up confused and hurt, and calls Kurt to pick him up. After getting the details and taking care of Finn, Kurt confronts his teacher. How this ends is up to filler, but the requirements are: Will/Finn angst, Kurt-Finn brotherliness."
"I'm not like, in danger or anything, don't worry... Just, could you get here quick?"