Just Seeing How Everyone's Doing! (Please Read)

Oct 25, 2010 12:14

Hey guys!

How are you all? I know some of you are hard at work on the first winnners monthly challenge fic! I hope it's going well for all of you! I can't wait to see what we're going to get!!

Many thanks to the small group of people who are partcipating in our first community exchange as well! You guys just warm this mod's heart. And also excellent participation on are our weekly discussions!

This is post is me just giving you all an update on what's going to be coming up in the future. Get your feedback on how I'm doing. And see if there's anything ideas that you guys have in your head's.

First off! Starting November 1st, we're going to have a winnners weekly caption contest! With the help of the amazingly talented its_davy_baby! So for those of you who are unaware what a caption contest is, basically every week a screen cap from an episode of Glee will appear and you guys just comment with something funny a character would say, a narration, blah blah blah. And when the newest caption goes up, the winner's name would be announced. This is just a fun thing for bragging rights.

Secondly, this week there will be a sign up for the author's who wouldn't mind writing a fic/drabble for the winners of the winnners monthly challenge! The overall winner will get a minimum 1500 word fic (if they so choose) while the winners of the silly categories will get a minimum 250 word drabble (again if they so chose) from their author of choice on this sign up.

Thirdly, I know several of us have joined the gleebigbang so I was wondering how many people would like for their to be a weekly support group as we attempt our fics? It wouldn't be on Tuesdays (since that's the show discussion days) but some other day of the week where we can bitch and moan about what the hell we're doing AND provide support. It's doesn't matter if you're writing Winn or not, but I figure we're all friends here and can offer advice and expertise. (Especially if you're a big bang virgin you're going to need it)

I think that's it for the comm itself.

Now how am I doing? Is there anything that I can do to help this comm? Is anything that you guys expect  from me? Because I'll do more if you ask.

Also is there any ideas that you guys have for the comm? Because I would love to hear what you guys would like to see or have thought up!

contributor: hopenight, !mod post

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