Title: Fuck Stephen Lynch
Rating: R
Spoilers: None, future fic
Summary: Finn finds out that sweet, dorky, buttoned up Mr. Schue is secretly a huge Stephen Lynch fanboy.
Author's Note: Written for the Winn Prompt Meme. I wrote it at 1 in the morning so I apologize if it doesn’t flow right.
Finn was back in Lima for summer vacation. He e-mailed everyone weeks in advance to set up a time to catch up. He ended up staying with his mom so long he missed the glee club dinner but managed to drop by Will’s house after dark. They talked about Glee and the new things Finn discovered at college.
“There’s this hilarious songwriter you need to hear.” Finn slipped a CD into the stereo.
After a few seconds Will grew a huge smile. “Oh my god, Stephen Lynch.”
“You’ve heard of him?”
“I love him!”
“Wow. I never imagine you of all people to listen to his kind of stuff.”
“Well, of course I don’t announce it but… he’s kind of my guilty pleasure.”
“I just discovered him this year. My roommate has a ton of comedy CDs and I walked in one day and burst out laughing.”
Finn sits beside Will on the couch and hums along. After awhile of course Will can’t stand to sit still.
“I love this song. It’s so… inappropriate in the best way.” He laughs and starts swaying and singing along.
“I’m the bad professor. I'm the bad professor. A tenured titty caresser. I'm a bad, bad man. Wow. It’s so terrible for me to be singing this. Especially in front of a former student.”
“Hey, I’m not your student. And I don’t have tits. Have fun!” It had been forever since Finn had seen his teacher. Now he was happy and bouncy, dancing and singing and oh yeah, really dancing now.
Will’s eyes were closed and his hips were thrusting as he sang, “Hey baby, what's your minor? Got your major in my pants. I love her student body. She wants a better grade. I say if you roll over I'll throw in financial aid.”
Finn hopped up and joined him in the song. He still couldn’t dance but he’d learned how to fake it. Will’s eyes popped open and he smirked with the words. They playfully danced to, “I’m a bad, bad…” until Finn reached out and grabbed Will around the waist and pulled them together.
“Man,” the audience on the CD applauded and it faded into another song but neither of them were listening anymore. The only sound they heard was the other’s breath, suddenly so close together, suddenly commingling and suddenly they’re kissing. Hard.
Finn gropes at Will’s ass, all embarrassment out the window as he lifts the older man up and wraps his legs around his waist. He stumbles back onto the couch and lowers Will down and climbs on top of him, grinding down into the man like it was the last thing he’d ever do. Tongues and bodies hot and intertwined and comedy has never caused anything as intense as this before. A large hand was stroking under Will’s shirt when he yelps. Finn’s phone is vibrating in between them.
“Fuck.” He takes out his phone and groans. “My mom. She’s probably wondering why I’m out so late. I should go.” They look in each other’s eyes. Finn starts to dip back down but knows once he does he won’t be able to walk away. “Sorry… I guess we’ll have to reschedule.”
Slowly the man backs away from his former teacher and leaves the apartment.
It felt like centuries since Will had ever been this hard or this needy and as he unbuckled his pants he hears the end to “If I Were Gay” playing. He sighs, gets up and turns off the stereo. Fucking Stephen Lynch.