Fic: This is The Thing (2/?)

Sep 17, 2010 22:54

Title: This Is The Thing (2/?)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: All of Season 1, takes place between Seasons 1 and 2.
Summary: In which the club party is mostly decorated with plates, Finn sings to Will and everybody says goodbye for the summer.
Author's Note: I almost scrapped this chapter a few times, but eventually decided to just stick with it. So, hopefully it doesn't suck too bad, but I have a better idea of where I'm going for the next few chapters so hopefully I won't find that as difficult to get through. xD Comments and criticism are welcomed and encouraged, don't be afraid to point out mistakes or things that suck, I won't be offended. And thanks for reading. :3

The glee club has a party in their last rehearsal of the year. Will brings cake and coke and various party snacks. Someone brings embarrassing party paraphernalia - hats, horns, balloons, novelty glasses, streamers that somebody is going to have to clean up. Rachel is pouting for the first few minutes, disappointed that she couldn't bring her karaoke machine from home for the occasion (Finn comforts her, and Will looks the other way). Luckily for her, the group breaks out into a few impromptu songs, a natural reaction to the lack of music at the party for the musical teens.

Kurt and Tina leads the group into some Gaga, recovering well when nobody knows the french verse of Bad Romance by mashing it up with Single Ladies. The group is in a huddle, dancing and bouncing, singing almost deliberately off key but with more enthusiasm than Will has been able to get from them all year.

There's a moment of confusion and excitement when they finish the song, the question 'what next?' left unsaid. Someone coerces Mercedes to sing, and Kurt drags her up to the highest seating level as a makeshift stage. Mercedes is uncharacteristically shy and hesitant, but laughs with Kurt and Quinn and relaxes. She mumbles something to the girls, and encourages the group to clap the beat. The girls begin to sing backup soulfully, and Mercedes starts the verse. By the time they get to the chorus, the whole group is belting out 'take another little piece of my heart now baby', not caring if they don't know any other words.

Will leans against the piano, now a makeshift buffet and home to used napkins. He watches the group proudly, and he thinks about how lucky he is to get another year with these kids. They laugh and talk excitedly, snacks in one hand, drinks in the other. He watches Finn, positively glowing from happiness, chatting with Kurt and talking with his hands wildly. Will isn't sure what's been happening between the two of them, but he thinks it's good that they have each other. Will feels a pinch of jealousy, wishing Finn would be that excited talking to him, but he pushes the thought away.

Rachel comes up behind Finn and wraps and arm around Finn's waist, leaning in to say something, and Will has to turn away. It's nothing against Rachel, he's being stupid really, but it's one thing to see Finn talking with someone else, but he can't help but want to wrap his arm round Finn in that same way.

Will is demolishing his slice of cake on his plate, breaking it into crumbs, when Rachel approaches him. He smiles, only half forced, because he's not going to let his stupid feelings for Finn ruin the party for him. Rachel turns to face the club and coughs. Will leans back on the piano.

"Fellow glee clubbers, I'd like to lead you all in one final sing-a-long, as a thank you to Mr. Schuester." Rachel beams, hands on her hips. She turns to Will and he gives a shy smile. Some of the club whoops and cheers, Puck shouts 'yeah, Mr. Schue!' and Will laughs.
A few members move around, while others look confused. Puck sits at the piano (Will had no idea he could even play), so Will moves out of the way, sitting on the chair Finn has put out for him. Rachel urges the club to stand in some kind of order, but it's far more informal and relaxed than usual. Friends are huddled together, stances are relaxed, and somehow it's far more striking than any formation Will has put them in.

Puck plays the first few chords, and somebody is handing out tambourines behind him. Finn starts singing the familiar tune of 'Hey Jude' and the club begins to sway, hugging each other and offering 'aah's as support. A few of the members join in with the words they know, but mostly it feels like Finn is singing just for him. And okay, Will isn't called Jude, and he's not a she, but that's not really the point.
Finn is improvising slightly, half swaying and half awkwardly dancing, and he comes closer. Will's breath hitches slightly, looking up into Finn's eyes, far taller than him while sitting, and Finn puts a hand on Will's back urging him to stand up. Will pats Finn on his back too, taking any opportunity to get close to him, and a few people touch his shoulder as he passes.

The group huddles around Puck, swaying, shaking tambourines absentmindedly. Mercedes riffs over Finn's final verse, and then the whole club joins in, a roar of 'na na na's, and Will is hit by a feeling of pride and some emotion he can't place. He knows the others feel it too, as Tina has tears in her eyes, and Kurt gets them too when he sees her. They smile and hug, still singing. People are improvising and riffing, and Will thinks this is by far the best they've ever sounded. He looks over at Finn, one arm round Kurt and one round Quinn, and they smile at each other. Brittany hugs Will, putting her head on his shoulder. Finally, Finn makes a vague signal to tell them that this is the last time, and they belt out one last 'na na na', finishing with a big rock and roll flourish.

And that's it. The song, and the year, is finished, and he's hit with the finality of it. They all take comfort in knowing that they have another year, but the goodbyes are still hard for some reason. He hugs students with one arm, smiling and laughing the entire time, terrified he's going to cry or something equally embarrassing. Finn comes over, grinning toothily, and hugs Will, making a sound that makes Will feel like he belongs here, in Finn's arms, and he's not sure what to think about that when Finn picks him up, a good 5 or 6 inches off the ground. Will laughs and kicks his feet, the air being squeezed out of him, only pretending that he wants to be put down. Somewhere in the distance he can hear others laughing. Will disappoints himself by letting out a breathy 'Finn...' that he thinks maybe sounds a bit innappropriate, but Finn takes it as a signal to put him down.

They laugh and straighten themselves up, before Will decides to clap his hands and call the club together one last time, telling them how proud he is, how they'll rock sectionals if they keep performing like that, and that there'll be auditions in the new year that are mostly just a formality. "Now get out of here, I need to clean up the mess you made."

Will was only half serious, but as they laugh and leave as quickly as possible, Will is slightly annoyed that he has to clear up on his own. He can't bring himself to stay upset though, still euphoric and looking forward to a relaxing summer. Will sighs and runs a hand through his hair. Happy and relieved, he turns to pick up plates and napkins.

"Hey, Mr. Schue, need some help?" Finn taps him on the shoulder and Will turns to see Finn's megawatt smile. Will makes a noise of surprise, turning to put his pile of plates on the piano.

"No, you don't have to, I can do it. Go and have a good summer." But Finn is already picking up stuff, and Will realises Finn is much quicker than he is, he can probably hold twice as many plates.

"No, let me help, then we'll be done quicker and we can both go home." Finn insists, putting his pile of plates next to Will's and crouching to pick up streamers and discarded cups (and Will does NOT notice the strip of flesh that's exposed, or that Finn's boxer shorts are black today).

They work in comfortable silence, an electricity still in the air from the excitement of the party. Eventually Will sighs, the emotions fading away, and he realises how tired he actually is. Tired, but happy.

"It's been a long year." Finn announces. Will turns to see Finn standing next to him with a black rubbish bag. Will nods a thank you and puts his armful of streamers into the bag while Finn holds it. "It has." he agrees.

"It's kinda weird that less than a year ago there was no club. It feels like this club is like, my whole life or something. Well, not really, but... when we thought the club was over, I didn't know what to do. I mean, I'd still see everyone probably, I'd see Tina in english and the guys in football and Quinn and Brittany in Spanish, and you." he adds. Will grins at the recognition. "It wouldn't be the same, you know? We'd all be friends on facebook and stuff, and we'd try to stay in touch, but we all know we'd grow apart or something." Will quirks an eyebrow. He wonders what the rules are on teachers and students being friends on facebook, but knows he'd never have the balls to send a request. "But I don't want to grow apart, you know? I like singing, it makes me feel like I'm doing something with my life. And that's why it sucks that Figgins wants us to win or he's cutting the club, because we all feel like it doesn't matter if we win or lose, we just want to keep singing."

Will smiles at Finn, toothy and sentimental. "That's great, Finn." he says quietly.

Finn smiles back shyly, ducking down to untie the balloons from a chair. "So..." he mumbles. "I guess... my point was... I'm glad you're still here. And the club." he blushes softly, and Will doesn't miss it. "And you're right. We lost once, now we know what it's like, we're never going to lose again. We've so got this." Finn's enthusiasm makes Will laugh, and then there's a silence as they just smile at each other. Finn quirks a corner of his mouth up and grabs a plate from a chair before stuffing it in the bag. Will puts the stack of cups he was holding in too, and they get back to work in comfortable silence.

Will's back is turned when he hears a comically squeaky voice. "All done, Mr. Schue." Finn says, voice high from helium, 'Happy Easter' balloon in his hands (Tina swore the shop was out of anything relevant). Finn laughs at himself, helium making him sound like a chipmunk machine gun. And then Will's laughing too, and he can't help himself.

"Give me some." Finn offers him the balloon, and Will pinches the opening carefully
"We have, like, six more." Finn squeaks as Will inhales.

"Yo yo yo, Finny D on the backup." Will says in a mock-gangster voice, totally ruined by the pitch of his voice. Then he laughs too, the sound embarrassing and making Finn laugh harder.

"You should sing something." Finn suggests, wide-eyed and breathing heavily, helium beginning to wear off.

Will takes another breath of helium, and then sings something in falsetto. It occurs to him that he's probably just alerted all the dogs in the neighbourhood. Finn is laughing uncontrollably, and Will does some vocal runs, wagging his finger for effect.

And suddenly he's feeling light-headed. "Woah," he says, voice still at an embarrassing pitch. "Maybe we shouldn't inhale any more of this stuff." He says, letting the balloon deflate in his hands.

"Yeah..." Finn says, disappointed. His voice squeaks, so he coughs in an attempt to get the helium out of him. Will tries it too.

"Well... thanks for helping me clean up." Will says, patting Finn on the shoulder. The corner of Finn's mouth twitches up again, and he pulls Will into another hug. Will wasn't expecting it, but he isn't complaining. He pats Finn on the back, and Finn presses his nose into Will's neck. They stay still for a moment, Will can feel Finn's heartbeat, can feel him breathing, and then Finn rubs Will's back for a second before pulling away.

"Thank you." Finn says vaguely. His eyes are locked with Will's, and there's something being left unsaid, Will's not sure either of them know what.

Finn slings his bag over one shoulder and waves over his shoulder to Will.

"See you next year!" Will calls out to him, and he catches Finn's smile one more time before he turns the corner, and Will savours it. He won't get another one for months.

fanwork: fanfic, contributor: momoda6, rating: pg

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