(no subject)

Jul 21, 2010 01:59

Title: Discipline
Author: Dark-Dreymer
Pairing: Will/Finn
Prompt: For the several 'Special Hell' daddy!kink requests.
Rating: R
Warnings: daddy!kink, spanking, gratuitous Marilyn Monroe
Summary: I needed a break from the really big Winn fic I've been writing, so I put some kink together from the prompt meme.

It really did begin with the best of intentions. A task, like any other that Will may have set for the Glee kids, drawn from the fact that the coming Sunday was Father's Day he had instructed them to find a song that their parents listened to, learn it and be ready to perform it by the end of the week. An attempt to broaden their horizons a little, go beyond the contemporary and find some appreciation for the classics.

His simple little task was the first paving stone. Finn lay the rest.

His song choice wasn't what anybody had been expecting. Finn's comfort zone lay in the classics they were meant to be performing, but the young man had gone back even further.

“While tearing off a game of golf
I may make a play for the caddy.
But when I do, I don't follow through
cause my heart belongs to Daddy.”

The words were saccharine and coy, a performance that seemed incredibly contradictory to Finn's nature.

“Yes, my heart belongs to Daddy
so I simply couldn't be bad.
Yes, my heart belongs to Daddy.
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, Daaad!”

Finn fluttered on the brimstone stage before his befuddled audience while Will kept a resolutely detached expression and offered up a hopeless prayer that Rachel's keen attention wouldn't uncover the truth behind the young man's sincere melody.

“If I invite a boy some night
to cook up some hot enchilada.”

The teacher tensed as Finn turned his way, his doe-eyed gaze in direct competition with the mischievous smirk on his lips.

“Though Spanish rice is all very nice
my heart belongs to Daddy.”

A cough pleaded for freedom from the constriction of Will's throat, but overly aware of the eyes that had turned his way he fought the potentially incriminating action as Finn wrapped up.

“So I want to warn you laddie
though I know that you're perfectly swell.
That my heart belongs to Daddy
cause my Daddy, he treats it so well.”

A spattering of uncertain applause followed; Brittany's oblivious clapping sounded loudest and Tina and Artie offered up meek pattering as they exchanged bewildered looks.
“Well, Finn, that was...” Will could resist no longer and rounded off with a hesitant cough, “That was certainly different.”
“Thanks.” The young man beamed, the seductive facade dropped in favor of his standard self. Will breathed a little easier.
“But I don't really think the song suited you, I wouldn't suggest you try it, or anything similar, again.”
“Okay,” He nodded and then looked up through his lashes at Will, “I'll try harder next time.”
Finn returned to his seat, leaving Will with the burst of heat that his words had generated. The teacher glanced at the clock, desperate to know how much longer they would be there and concluded that Finn really had led him into Hell.


Finn was waiting for Will when he returned home that evening, brimming with the same audacious energy that had driven him in the choir room. Will had barely had time to remove his coat before the younger man bounded to him to initiate an exuberant, welcoming kiss.
He broke the embrace and only had to speak two words to halt Finn's attempts to reconnect, “Finn, stop.”
The young man recoiled instinctively at the assertive tone, there was no mistaking what it meant; “Did I do something wrong?”
Will looked into wide eyes, caught his gaze on the younger man's lower lip; still slack from the kiss. He felt no pity, “What did you think you were doing today?”
Finn blinked owlishly and began to chew on his lower lip, “What do you mean?” He asked, masking his guilt poorly.
“Your song,” Will prompted, unrelenting.
“Well, I...” The young man fidgeted with genuine embarrassment, not the coy act he had put on while performing; “I wanted to sing for you. To tell you how I feel...” He leaned in his teacher's direction, but Will stepped around him and refused contact once again.

Will stepped into the apartment, turning back to the young man still hovering in the doorway and leveling his brows at him, openly displeased, “And you thought it appropriate to tell me how you feel in front of the rest of the club?” He challenged.
“It's not... They don't know about-” Finn defended himself, but Will cut across him.
“That's right, they don't know about us,” He agreed, “But you seem to be trying to change that.”
“I didn't-”
“You know what will happen if they find out about us.” It wasn't a question. They both knew the potential consequences of their relationship, “Do you want me to lose my job?”
“Do you want me to go to jail?”
“No!” Finn shook his head emphatically and wrapped his arms across his chest, hugging himself for security.
“Then why did you do it?” Will asked with a heavy sigh, his disappointment hanging in the air between them.
“I w-wanted to do something good f-for Father's Day,” Finn replied, distress devouring a hole in his chest and making his breathing heavy; “I wanted to make you happy.”
“Oh, my boy...” Will closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms round the young man, his hands rubbing across Finn's broad back comfortingly, “I'm happy as long as you're happy and safe. That's all I need.”
His tension eased and Finn's hands wrapped around the older man's waist, burrowing into the soothing hug and resting his head on Will's shoulder until his breathing started to even out; “I'm sorry,” He whispered, his breath warm on the older man's neck.
Will pulled back so that he could look Finn in the eye as he replied, so that the young man could see the honesty in his eyes; “I know you are. But the fact remains, you broke a rule. I'm going to have to punish you.”
“Punish me how?” The younger man asked nervously.

His tension increased as Will did not respond right away; instead the older man walked back into the apartment and sat down on the couch. With his knees spread apart, he slapped a hand down on his thigh and it took Finn a few seconds to realize the implication.
Blushing bright red he wavered in front of Will, his fingers dancing at the button of his jeans; “Should I...?”
“Yes.” Will nodded calmly.
Feeling a secondary rush of heat to his face, the young man popped the button of his jeans and pushed the zipper down before draping himself compliantly across Will's lap. The position was uncomfortable, but Will accommodated him as he fidgeted and tried to find a less painful way of balancing across the older man's lap.
“Okay?” Will questioned, one hand rubbing at the small of Finn's back.
The young man responded with an affirmative sound, his face was resting on his hands close to the carpet and he was biting his lip with chagrin. Will pushed denim and cotton down Finn's thighs to reveal the pale skin of his bum; he felt the young man's breath hitch and so took a minute to calm his nerves by gently caressing the soft skin. Once Finn was relaxed beneath him he dealt the first blow; a sharp, fast strike. The smack of skin-on-skin was followed immediately after by a short cry, that expressed surprise more than pain.

Will continued methodically up to a count of fifteen, then paused in his rhythm and took a moment to admire the shade of pink blossoming across the formerly pale skin. Finn was glad for the respite as the fast-fading sting of the first few blows had given way to a prolonged ache, each successive blow hurting more than the one that had come before it. His hopes that the punishment was over were dashed as a hard strike landed from a fresh angle.

Finn lost count soon after; Will would alternate between fast hits and prolonged pauses between each blow and so it was difficult to keep track. Finn's face was still pressed to the carpet, but he had started gritting his teeth to prevent himself biting right through his lip. He drew in breath in anticipation of each blow, tensing the whole of his body as he awaited the next fresh burst of pain. His eyes watered but he blinked fiercely, determined not to cry. His whole ass ached, particularly along the bottom near the tops of his thighs. He hoped that Will would stop soon, hoped that the muscles in the arm delivering all his pain would tire.

When, at last, the end of his punishment came Finn pulled himself upright and clumsily fastened his jeans; his head ducked humbly as he avoided Will's eye.
“Oh, my baby-boy. Come here.” Will pulled Finn down and kissed away the traitorous tears that had spilled onto the young man's cheeks, “You know how much I love you?”
“From the bottom of your heart,” Finn responded readily.
“The bottom of my heart,” Will repeated, sealing the vow with a soft kiss. “You know that when I hurt you, I do it because I love you and I only want what's best for you?”
Finn nodded, his cheek sliding against Will's, “I'm sorry I was naughty. I promise I won't do it again.”
The older man ran his hands across his young lover's back, “I forgive you.”
Finn leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to Will's cheek, then settled down onto the couch beside Will and curled up against him, “I love you, Daddy.”

Author's Notes: So, um, there was gonna be sex... but somehow it didn't quite get there. I guess I'll have to make it up to y'all at a later date.

Also, I've been utterly failing at leaving comments lately. I'm planning to go back and reread all the great fic people have been writing so that I can leave the comments such awesome fic rightly deserves.

contributor: dark_dreymer, !winn prompt meme, fanwork: fanfic, rating: r

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