Fic. Give Me One Good Reason

Jul 05, 2010 17:22

Title: Give Me One Good Reason
Author: Alicebluegown16
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Finn gets a chance to leave Lima behind and asks Will to come with him. Cue Will!Panic and everyone needing to contribute their two cents.
Characters/Paring: Finn/Will, Sue, Terri, Carole, mentions of Rachel, Shelby, Kurt, Puck, Tina, Artie, OMC.
AN: For the Winn prompt meme: Finn gets a once in a lifetime opportunity and he's adamant Will come with him. Will getting unwanted advice from all directions, including Sue.
The OMC (Max) first introduced in the story Superhero. As usual, this is part of my big ol epic Winn AU series.
The University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration mission statement: Students will be committed to and involved in improving the lives of vulnerable populations, including the oppressed, poor, disabled and other social minorities-racial, ethnic, and cultural--and promoting social and economic justice.
Warnings: First time writing Sue. Kind of nervous.

Give Me One Good Reason

The first Will hears about the whole matter is Finn shoving an envelope into his hands and going into what can only be described as a controlled flail.

“Open it, open it, open it. You have to open it, I’m too chickenshit. I drove all the way over here with it in the passenger seat and I almost crashed three times staring at it.”

Will looks at the return address and it’s a punch to the stomach.

University of Chicago

School of Social Service Administration

Social Work

969 E. 60th St.

Chicago, Illinois


“Finn, you didn’t tell me you applied here.”

“Of course I didn’t tell you. I was too embarrassed to ever admit I was crazy enough to think they’d consider me. I figured I’d never hear from them, that they’d keep my application on file so they’d have something to laugh at.”

Finn moves forward to reach for the letter and then jumps back suddenly as if it might bite his hand.

“Is that a thick envelope? It looks like a thick envelope. Thick is good, right? Wait, what am I saying, it’s the freaking University of Chicago. They probably even go all out when they’re rejecting you. I bet it’s some ridiculously expensive paper and fancy penmanship that says ‘Not a chance in hell.’ I think my advisor must have been huffing white-out when she convinced me to apply.”

With that, any remote trace of anger at Finn not telling him about this in the first place vanishes. It still kills him that even after all this time and how hard he’s worked, there’s still a part of Finn that believes he’s just a dumb Lima loser jock.

He’s opening his mouth, ready to remind Finn of how hard he’s worked, how far he’s come in the past four years, and that with his amazing heart (and grades, can’t forget those. Because Finn’s got them and worked his ass off to do so) any school would be lucky to have him.

But Finn cuts him off and starts shifting from foot to foot and hitting his hands against the sides of his legs.

“Yeah, I know, I know. I’m smart enough, I’m nice enough, and doggone it, people like me. Give me a pep talk later, okay? Just open it. Before I have a fucking heart attack. I swear you’re going to get thanks for being an awesome supportive boyfriend sex from me either way.”

When Will tears the envelope, Finn covers his eyes.

“Dear Mr. Hudson, we are pleased to…”

It’s as far as Will gets before he’s letting out a whoop of joy.

“You got in!”

“I got in?” About ten seconds of a blank stare as Finn processes the words.

“I GOT IN!!!!”

A long loud yell, Finn throwing his arms in the air like he just scored the game winning touchdown at the Super Bowl. If he’d been capable of it, Will’s half convinced he’d start doing back flips.

“Holy fucking Christ. I got into the motherfucking University of Chicago!”

Finn yanks him into a frantic tackle hug and grabs his face, laying a huge smacking kiss on Will’s lips.

Will’s laughing and hanging on for dear life as Finn sort of half dances, half flings them around the room, and he’s so fucking proud because even if he knows nothing about the School of Social Services Administration (beyond the fact that apparently Finn really, really wants to go there), he sure as hell recognizes the name University of Chicago.

“Do you know what this means?” Finn asks him.

Instantly, the words cut through Will’s heart like a knife and he’s not laughing or cheering anymore, he’s hanging onto Finn for a whole other reason, because if he doesn’t, he thinks his legs might give out underneath him.

Because yes, Will does know what this means.

“You-you’re going to Chicago.” He manages to croak out.

Finn’s grinning at him big and broad, eyes bright, all of it so bright it hurts, Will has to look away.

“Correction, we are going to Chicago.”

And that was not what he expected at all.

“Wait, what?”

Will pushes Finn away and blindly moves to sit on the couch.

He thinks he’s justified in feeling more than a little overwhelmed. Up until five minutes ago he didn’t even know Finn was planning on leaving and now he’s supposed to go with him?

Finn stares at him, his smile seeming to freeze for a second and then sort of sliding off his face as he realizes Will doesn’t look to be in any particular hurry to start packing his bags.

It’s pretty much downhill from there.

Finn’s big night, the happiest and proudest moment of his academic career so far, does not end in giddy victory sex.

Instead it’s Finn insisting he should leave barely half an hour after he got there. (And oh, what an eventful half hour if it can so spectacularly fuck up four years of a good thing.)

“No, no, it’s late. You should stay.”

“I have class tomorrow.” Finn’s not meeting his gaze and when he shifts away from Will’s touch, it’s like a slap to the face.

“You just got into one of the best grad schools in the country, I think you can skip.”

He’s trying and utterly failing at keeping his voice light, his eyes begging Finn not to leave like this, angry and disappointed in him and refusing to talk about it.

Will grabs at Finn’s arm, kisses the corner of his downturned mouth.

“Finn, please. I’m not saying no, alright? Don’t think I’m saying no. I just-I just need time. Can you-can you give me that, please?”

Will kisses him again, and this time it’s both of them, Finn grabbing at the back of his shirt, kissing Will like he’s trying to change the world with it, or at the very least change Will’s mind.

“I love you, Finn. And I’m very, very proud of you.”

While both of these statements are absolutely true, Will has no idea if it’s enough and that scares him.


So, here they are at this stalemate of ‘I can’t believe you expect me to drop everything and move with you’ and ‘I can’t believe you’d expect me to go anywhere without you’ and it seems like everyone they know wants to contribute their two cents.

When he tells Terri about it (She’s actually the first person he goes to with the news. Seriously, when did his ex-wife become one of his best friends and why wasn’t he consulted on the matter?) she insists he has to go. As if it’s an absolute foregone conclusion, never mind that whole silly matter of not having a job or a place to live.

“Oh yeah, in a small town like Chicago I bet your prospects are pretty slim.”

Will rolls his eyes at this massive oversimplification of the matter.

“I don’t want to be the sort of loser who follows his hot young boyfriend across the country on a whim.”

“Because it’s so much better to be the sort of loser who lets said hot young boyfriend go because he’s terrified of the unknown?”

He actually holds the phone away from his ear and glares at it for a moment.

“Oh my God, Will…” There’s a long pause and it sounds like Terri’s trying not to cry. “If you don’t get the hell out of here, I may be forced to marry you again as punishment.”


He quickly begins to dread checking his e-mail.

The first day is a note from Puck.

Dude, he already sacrificed his prime partying and random hook up years for you. You totally owe him this one.

Will deletes this without replying. This philosophy certainly does a lot to remind him of why Puck’s still single.

He’d almost forgotten that Tina and Artie were out at U of I until he gets a note from her.

We both just interviewed for teaching gigs in Aurora! Did you know they filmed Wayne’s World there? We’ll practically be neighbors! Ooh, should I ask around about any available Spanish teacher positions for you?

He sends a reply wishing her luck and says nothing about the rest of her message.

Will’s not surprised when he hears from Kurt, but the way he frames his argument is…somewhat unexpected. The first image of the huge Let Them Eat Cock! sign has him spewing coffee out on his screen and frantically minimizing the window. At the end of the roughly two dozen pictures from the most recent Chicago Pride Parade, he finds this:

I’m not going to say anything about the Magnificent Mile or the amazing fashion opportunities because this is you and I gave up fighting the great Cardigan Battle years ago. But there’s something to be said for being able to hug and kiss the guy you love in public without people freaking out.

He hadn’t even been aware that Rachel knew about it until he hears from Shelby, of all people.

I know it might be presumptuous, but Rachel told me about your dilemma. I’m not sure if it would make a difference in your decision, but my little girl just started kindergarten and I’m actually looking to dip back into the show choir scene.

I promise I’ve mellowed some over the years. Fairly certain I wouldn’t make any of your precious darlings cry.

PS. I’m happy for you and thrilled to know my gaydar remains impeccable.

He sends a thank-you to Shelby and a polite but firm e-mail to Rachel letting her know that in the future he’d appreciate her staying out of his personal life.

This is followed by profuse apologies on her part and links to a dozen community theatre groups in the Chicago land area.

Not that I’m butting in or anything. Just thought you’d be interested. Wouldn’t it be exciting to get back into performing yourself, Mr. Schue? Also, I don’t know if you’ve considered it, but have you tried making a list of pros and cons? That always helps me when I have a difficult decision to make.


Max confronts him after class one day.

“So, all that stuff you told me when I was freaking out over going to California, about being better than Lima and how I deserve to be happy, was that just B.S inspirational teacher stuff?”

The boy looks like Will not going would be a personal betrayal, spitting in the face of love and happily ever after and it seriously has Will feeling roughly a thousand million years old.

“Max, I can’t just pull up stakes and leave. I have responsibilities, people depending on me. I have a life here.”

Max shoots him a glare of disbelief somewhat akin to what a small child might give when his parents tell him to eat his vegetables because it’s good for him. A look that says ‘I am not buying what you’re selling and I’m offended you think I would do so.’

“No offence Mr. Schue, but you’re not that irreplaceable. They’ll find another Spanish teacher. Someone will take over Glee. And yeah, they might not be as cool as you, but someone will be here. Finn’s not going to find another you.”

He pulls himself up to his full height.

“And if you break my big brother’s heart, then-well, then you’re not going to be my favorite teacher anymore. So there.”

A decisive nod and he’s heading for the door.

“I think I liked you more when you didn’t talk so much.” Will tells his retreating back, the smile on his face evidence of what a lie this is.

“Guess you shouldn’t have done such a good job teaching me that what I say matters.” Max calls back to him over his shoulder.


“He’s going to go no matter what you decide to do. You are aware of this, aren’t you?”

Carole’s tone makes it clear that if Will attempts to prevent this, she’ll very much have something to say about it.

Not that he has any intention of doing so. Finn’s going to Chicago because it’s the absolute best thing for him and there’s no way in hell Will in good conscience can stand in the way of that.

If Will stays, they’ll find a way to make it work. They’ve done the long distance thing all this time and while it’s often frustrating (and Chicago is a hell of a longer distance than Columbus) well, that’s why they invented planes, trains, and automobiles. And web-cams and phone sex.

Then Carole points out, “And a couple of years from now when he’s done with school and looking for jobs, then what? You can’t just keep kicking this down the road. Is he supposed to take his fancy degree and settle in Lima forever?”

“You know I would never ever ask him to do that.” Will is very firm in this because all these years later Carole still slightly terrifies him.

A loud gusting sigh of you’re missing the goddammed point.

“I know you wouldn’t, Will. What scares me is that Finn might do it even if you didn’t ask.”

And hey look, there’s another one of those things he didn’t even think about.


The final straw is when Sue comes into the choir room and demands to know if he’s going or not.

“Wait how do you even---”

“Oh come on, by now you should know I never reveal my sources.”

“Emma told you, didn’t she?”

“Sang like a bird. Last time I accidentally make eye contact when someone tells me good morning. Anyway, I know about it now and I can’t unknow it, so I figured why not give you some of my wisdom? I just thought you should be aware, it’s not the way I imagined it happening, you either taken out in handcuffs, a straitjacket, or if I was very, very lucky: a body bag. But I think you should go.”

Will needs a minute to get past the universe is topsy-turvy, up means down, black means white sensation of Sue Sylvester having any sort of vested interest in his happiness.

“Your happiness? Oh, William, no. Let’s consider what’s truly at stake and what really matters here. I am, of course, speaking of my happiness. Look, I’m not saying I ever give your romantic life any thought because, to be frank, it makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little. But if it ever did cross my mind, I would have always figured that the reason Frankenteen stayed with you all these years is out of some twisted sense of loyalty and a lack of options.”

He starts to protest this assessment, but Sue holds up a finger of ‘interrupt me and die.’

“But once he’s in the big city and realizes there are other much, much, much, much, and I can’t stress this enough, much better options and inevitably dumps you, I want you to be as far away as possible when you’re moping and pining away. Because. I. Do. Not. Need. To. See. That. I mean, sure it’d be fun at first, but then you’ll be crying and wanting to talk about your feelings…”

She shudders at the mere possibility of it and then clucks her tongue, her expression what might loosely be defined as sympathetic on a normal person (and the fact that Sue feels sorry for him must mean that he is well and truly fucked.)

"Think about it this way, William. When your boy toy finally wakes up and moves onto greener pastures and rest assured, he will-at least you'll have a wider dating pool to select from for your inevitable sad pathetic rebound hook-up. After all, you can’t keep chasing after students. People might start to talk."

Or maybe, he doesn’t almost tells her, or maybe when Finn stops waiting for him and his issues to catch up with where Finn wants to be and finally throws up his hands and says ‘You know what? Fuck it. I give up. I’m going to find someone younger/better/hotter/saner.’ it will be a blessing that he hasn’t gotten rid of his apartment, quit his job, and moved to another state.

Not that he ever thinks about that, of course.


And through all of this, every person he’s ever met or come into contact with insisting that they know what’s best for him, Finn stays completely silent on the whole matter.

He asked for it, so Finn gives him time.

He’s wonderfully patient and he makes no attempt to influence or pressure Will one way or the other.

And strangely enough, that’s the worst thing about this, the lack of ultimatums, how unbelievably fucking mature Finn’s being about the whole thing.

Finn’s not going to say ‘Come with me or else’ any more than Will would say ‘Stay with me or else.’

And Will secretly wants him to. He just wants to shove all of it off on Finn, let him call the shots; take all the responsibility for this away from him.

Over and over Finn has pushed him out of his comfort zone and now he seems perfectly willing to step back and let him define things, as if he’s so certain that whatever Will does is going to be the right thing.

Will has no idea where Finn’s getting this confidence from because he is fairly certain there are about five thousand ways he could fuck this all up that he hasn’t even contemplated.

It’s two a.m. and all this knocking around in his head means he can’t sleep, so he’s up and God help him, Rachel can never ever know about this, he’s making a pro and con list.

When he finishes, he stares at it.

Then he laughs.

And then he’s grabbing his car keys.

He may have planned out some sort of speech in his head on the drive over.

He completely forgets it the moment he’s greeted with the sight of Finn leaning in the doorway in nothing but boxers, with his just woke up hair, and that fucking gorgeous sleepy sexy grin. Oh, Will thinks his mouth actually waters.

Finn’s smiling and it’s so sweet, like he’s asking Will what took him so damn long, and Finn knew, he knew this whole time and Finn was willing to wait until he knew it too, and he loves Finn so fucking much and pretty soon he’s going to get to see him every single day and he really, really fucking loves that too.

It’s all too much for him to process, too much for him to form into words, so he settles for pressing Finn up against the doorframe and kissing him until some student stumbling back in from the bar advises they get a room.

And Finn’s laughing against his mouth and saying something about how as it just so happens he has a room right here and maybe, if Will would be interested, they can make use of it?

With that, he’s dragging Will inside for some much delayed giddy victory sex.


It’s been a month.

There are still boxes everywhere.

They can never find anything.

They have been eating nothing but take-out because they’re both too tired and busy to cook and because Finn is slightly in awe of having so many options. He seems determined to eat his way through the city before the year’s out. And it’s all on paper plates because Will’s dishes didn’t manage to survive the move.

Will has what is probably a permanent bruise on his hip from constantly banging it on the edge of the kitchen counter (he keeps forgetting this one is lower than the one in his old place.)

So far the only decoration on the walls is a single sheet of paper, matted, framed, and hung with great care.


PRO:                     CON:

1) Finn

contributor: alicebluegown16, !winn prompt meme, fanwork: fanfic, rating: pg13

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