Fic. Tie the Knot

Jun 30, 2010 11:56

Title: Tie the Knot
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: NC-17
Paring: Will/Finn
Summary: Liking, wanting, needing.
AN: For the winn prompt meme: Established relationship. Tie kink. Bondage. Part of my series: The series in chronological order Adorable, Do Over, Breakfast of Champions, Like Grown Ups, Nice Boy, Complicated. , Need You to Need Me. (and I Might Know the Word, which is technically loosely part of the series, but is mostly just porn.)
Warnings: Naughty things done with Will's ties.

They’ve done this before, this tying up thing.

Sometimes it’s Finn tied up which isn’t Finn's favorite since the imposed distance just frustrates him. After all, he’s already had two tortuous years of look but don’t touch with Will, and what had been the fun in that?

Mostly for Finn when they do this, the sex is secondary to how much Will enjoys it. Will's expression when he asks, pupils blown wide and breath catching when Finn says yes, the way he bites his lip when he slips the ties around Finn’s wrists. The fact that he knows Will would stop at any second if he told him to, no matter how into he was.

(Okay, there was that one time Will tied Finn’s hands behind his back and had him suck his cock. Will in his mouth, fucking his throat, his jaw aching, lips stretched and swollen, Will grabbing the back his head and yanking his hair until his eyes watered. And then Will’s hand cupping his jaw, lightest butterfly touch of his thumb tracing Finn’s cheek and after nothing for so long it had been everything and he’d groaned deep in his chest and come just from that, little white spots dancing at the edge of his vision. Yeah, that had been fucking hot as hell and totally worth the way his shoulders ached for days afterwards.)

And they’ve done it the other way around, with Will tied up.

That’s always way more fun for him because as much as he hates not being able to touch Will, being able to touch Will as much as he wants when he can’t reciprocate is awesome.

Those times are laughing and dragging Will to the bedroom by his tie and Will snarking at his mad knot tying skillz (“What the hell kind of Boy Scout camp did you go to?” “Clearly the sexy kind.”) and Will getting bossy and impatient and demanding he just fuck him already for the fucking love of God, and the best part, Finn’s favorite part, Will always, always forgetting his hands are tied and trying to reach for him, which in his mind is worth like, infinity points in the Who is Better at This game.

But either way, it’s all just good clean kinky fun, right?

Nobody’s asking anyone to hang upside down from the ceiling like a bat or anything.

And then there are the times like this.

Will getting home from work and he looks wrecked, deep line between his brows, the corners of his mouth turned down.

When Finn wraps him in a hug, Will tucks his chin in the hollow of his throat and just sort of melts into it. He runs a hand across Will’s shoulder blades and he’s so tensed up it’s like he’s been wearing his shirt all day with the hanger still in it.

Then Will hands him his tie.

And walks back to the bedroom.

He has to take a minute to catch his breath because this isn’t just liking it or wanting it, this is Will needing it, needing him, trusting him and he’s the only one who gets to see Will like this and there is nothing about it that doesn’t turn him on.

Will already on the bed naked and waiting for him when he enters the room.

Will watching him undress.

Will’s eyes never leaving his face as he crosses his wrists and waits for him to tie the knot.

After Finn checks and double checks it, he leans down to kiss Will, who cranes his neck, pressing into it, gaspy shuddering noise in the back of his throat and when his eyelashes brush Finn’s cheeks, he almost comes just from that.

This is Will staring at him like he’s half worried Finn might disappear, like he’s trying to memorize every expression, every movement of his body.

This is kissing Will all over, his forehead, his mouth, his eyelids, from shoulder to thigh and everywhere in between.

This is moving achingly slow inside him while Will moans yes, and God, and please, and Finn, and love. He knows he hears love somewhere in there.

This is like a ritual.

Like a promise.

Let go and I’ll catch you. Fall apart and I’ll put you back together again.

Finn really, really hopes if there is a God he’s open minded because sometimes it kind of feels like praying.

And then afterwards when they’re both sweaty and spent and Finn’s half certain he left a few brain cells spilled out on the sheets, he throws a leg across Will’s waist and pulls him close.

And Will talks.

“I found out one of my students has been cheating, doing another boy’s homework. So, I confront him about it because he’s a nice sweet kid with a good head on his shoulders and I can’t figure out why he’d do it. Turns out the other boy? He’s got a huge crush on him and he’s convinced doing his homework will make him like him."

Finn sort of winces in sympathy at that and pulls Will closer as the other man continues to speak, words coming faster, tripping and stuttering off his tongue.

"Now suddenly this isn’t a lecture about academic integrity or how I'm so disappointed in him or me having to threaten to tell his parents about it anymore because this boy, this sweet nice kid who trusts me, is sobbing and having a near panic attack because his parents can’t know, they just can’t, they’ll kick him out if they ever found out he was gay. And all I can do is try and find the absolute least devastating way possible to tell him ‘No, this manipulative little piece of shit you’ve been lying and cheating for doesn’t care about you and he’s only using you and I know that sucks right now, but hey, it’s okay, it might get better because you’ll graduate and hopefully get out of here and maybe someday you’ll find someone who loves you for who you are.’ And oh my God, I’ve never felt more fucking useless.”

Finn isn’t always good with words and he sometimes (more than sometimes) speaks without thinking. But Will is a miserable bundle of helplessness, self doubt, and guilt right now, so he takes a moment to wait for the perfect ones to come to him.

“You weren’t useless. You did good, Will. This kid needed a friend, not a teacher at that moment and that’s what you were. I think you said all the right things. Especially that whole meeting someone who’ll love you for who you are thing. I hear it’s been known to happen sometimes.”

When Will gives him a small half smile, Finn kisses him, runs his hands over Will’s back and shoulders, and notes with some distant sense of pride that he’s not nearly as bunched up and tense now.


One night Will curls around him and whispers in his ear “Finn Hudson, tell me something shocking. What’s your dirtiest thought, your wildest fantasy?”

“Mmm, you coming home from work and finding me naked on the couch eating Corn Pops right out of the box. And instead of getting annoyed about it, you bend me over the arm and fuck me.”

Will shoots him a vaguely confused expression.

“Wait, that happened two weeks ago. And I’m still finding cereal in the couch cushions by the way.”

“Yeah, and it was hot.”

He shrugs.

“ I don't know. You. Us. This. I’m pretty good with all of it.”

Finn thinks about faint red marks on wrists, phantom ache in his shoulders while he sits in class hundreds of miles away from Will, bruises on hip bones, the silver dollar sized hickey already forming at the juncture where Will’s collarbone meets shoulder. None of them permanent, all fated to fade away with time, but just as meaningful and symbolic of their commitment as any gold bands.

He thinks about Saturdays where he’ll hold Will captive and make him be lazy and sleep til noon, and how his Mom hadn’t quite understood why he even bothered asking if he could bring Will for Thanksgiving dinner because she’d already planned on having a place set for him, and how Will buys pulp free orange juice for him because it’s the kind he prefers, and how Puck rags on him for already acting like a lame boring married dude at twenty.

And how it doesn’t really bother him that much.

Finn’s known for awhile he has a serious Will Schuester kink, but now he’s thinking he might possibly have a forever kink, a happily ever after, white picket fence kink.

Judging from Will’s smile he’s pretty sure Will finds this hot as hell.

contributor: alicebluegown16, !winn prompt meme, fanwork: fanfic, rating: nc17

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