(no subject)

Jun 15, 2010 22:52

Title: Over the Rainbow
Author: puckasaurus
Pairing: Will/Finn
Rating: PG
Spoilers: All of Glee season one (Right after Regionals)
Disclaimer: Glee does not belong to me (unfortunately)
Author's Notes: I plan to continue this if the comments are good. This is my first entry so hopefully you all like it :)

What a year! New Directions had just lost regionals, but it seemed that the news of getting another year had lifted everyone's spirits right back up. Will was ecstatic thanks to the kids beautiful rendition of To Sir With Love. He re-payed them by doing his own version of Over the Rainbow. His last glee rehearsal of the year had just ended, and although he knows that their is another year, it is somewhat bitter sweet. He will not see the kids for an entire Summer and that almost killed him inside, but he knew that they would all come back next year with high energy and hopes for nationals.

After the final glee practice Will had some paper work to finish for the end of the school year. When the paper work was done Will grabbed his boxes of music that he thought he should trifle through over the Summer so he was full of new ideas for the next glee season.

Will got to the school exit and noticed that it was raining. For 5 o'clock it was quite dark, due to the rain. He walked out the door, not paying very close attention to his surroundings. He was in a trance, thanks to the kids, and the bright future ahead of him. As he rounded the corner to the parking lot where his car was he heard a sniffle. The sound startled him. Will thought that all of the other teachers would have gone home already. He looked around trying to find the source of the sound when he saw a tall figure sitting on the steps to the gym. Will knew at once that it had to be Finn, but why would he be crying? Will ran to the steps to find out what was up.

"Finn what's wrong," Will asked with concern written all over his face.

Finn jumped when he realized that he was not the only one at the school still. He tried to wipe away his tears, but due to the rain and the fact that he couldn't stop crying, he was unable to dry his face.

"It's nothing," finn responded.

"I know you better than that Finn. Something is up and you know I won't leave until you tell me." Will answered stubbornly. He sat next to Finn putting his hand on Finn's shoulder, trying to comfort him.

Finn knew this was true. He knew that if he tried to make up some sort of lie Will would know. Will was just a little bit smarter than Finn, just a little.

"We lost," was all Finn could get out between sobs.

"Finn I thought that you learned this already." He sounded a little disappointed, which only caused Finn to feel even worse. "You guys still won, no matter what the judges say."

"I didn't care about winning for myself, I wanted us to win for you." Finn knew that the only reason he joined glee club in the first place was because of Mr. Schue, one of the most enjoyable parts of glee club was because Mr. Schue directed it, and anything that hurt Mr. Schue hurt Finn even more.

"You all did your best. That's all I could ask for," exclaimed Will, trying to make Finn feel better. "The fact that you wanted to win for me is quite flattering though," Will said, blushing a little.

"We just went through so much this year, both of us. We had a really emotional year, and we had to face so much to actually even get to where we were. We deserved it so much more than Vocal Adrenaline. I just don't understand why we didn't win," Finn cried.

"It will be okay," Will said trying to calm him down. "We still have next year," he said with a bright grin.

Finn could not stop sobbing, no matter what Will said. So Will tried something else. He leaned over and hugged Finn. Finn hugged him back and cried into Will's shoulder.

"I am not going to stop hugging you until you stop crying," Will said sternly, "got it?"

Finn cried for a little while longer, until finally he stopped and Will let him go. Finn wiped at his eyes and sighed heavily. "Thanks Mr. Schue." Finn said, finally smiling for the first time since Will got there.

"Let me walk you to your car," Will insisted.

"Okay," Finn said brightly. "Hey Mr. Schue?"


"Do you think that you could help me with my dancing this Summer?" Finn asked.

"Sure," Will responded enthusiastically. "How about every Tuesday night?"

"Sounds great!" Finn said excitedly. He was grinning from ear to ear with utter glee. Finn knew that if he worked hard this Summer he would raise the chances that they would make it to Nationals, and he knew that would make Mr. Schue happy. At this moment that is all that Finn wanted in the world.

As they walked to Finn's car the rain stopped. Then through the clouds a rainbow came out in the sky, set against the fading sunlight.

"Well that's ironic." Will said with a smile.

contribution: first post, fanwork: fanfic, rating: pg

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