Fic: Stuck On You, Love Me Do

Jun 10, 2010 12:58

Title: Stuck On You, Love Me Do
Pairing: Winn, duh.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,300
Summary: Written for the Winn prompt meme: Finn makes Will a mixtape (with a little help from his fellow gleeks).
Notes: I hate it when songs that I don’t know are listed in fics and I have to go and hunt them down, so this fic is FILLED with links to youtube (of various quality). Let me know if that was a horrible idea. Also, there is an actual fanmix at the end.

“Oh, you totally need to include the incredibly relevant track ‘Mix Tape’, from Avenue Q,” Rachel advises him.

Kurt snorts. “Sure, if you want blunt and base. If you want shallow and irreverent.”

“Hey, Avenue Q is young, and edgy, and even if it is lacking in the finer vocal crafting usually expected from a musical, it is completely deserving of its success!”

Kurt yawns, daintily covering his mouth with the tips of his fingers. It goes downhill from there.


“You should find a song that says something that you don’t have the words to say yourself,” Artie tells him. “Maybe something about your current situation, or your feelings, or what you want from your relationship.” He pauses to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Or a song about them being sexy. That always works.”

And Finn spends days going through every single song that he knows, looking for that spark that he gets when the lyrics speak to him. He considers ‘Your Song’ from Moulin Rouge, but that’s all about writing a song for someone, and Finn just doesn’t have it in him to write a song. Plus, he’s heard Will talk about that movie, and he’s worried that he may have some competition in Obi Wan.

He spends a lot of time considering ‘Going Away to College’ by Blink-182. The chorus is perfect for them, and the sentiment, and they’re both worried about what’ll happen in a few months. But at the same time, it’s very girl-oriented, and the lines about breaking it off are exactly the wrong message.

And then he stumbles across ‘First Date’, and it’s prefect.


“Go with something classic,” Kurt replies, “use one song to conjure memories of a whole story.”

Finn thinks. “Like, something from the eighties?”

“Like, something from a standout musical,” Kurt corrects. “One of the standards.”

Kurt suggests ‘Why Should I Wake Up’ from Cabaret, which seems perfect until Finn watches the movie. He’s not sure he really wants to conjure up memories of failed romances, and abortion, or even April Rhodes. She slept with a lot of people, and Will’s known her for a long time.

He puts it on the maybe-pile.


“Guns and Roses,” Puck tells him. “Chicks love that shit.”

And while Finn isn’t the biggest fan of the Gunners on the planet, he can kind of see the appeal. And the band spans the right kind of period in Will’s life - young, energetic, the music is all about adventure and new experiences and the sexy kind of love.

He whittles their entire back catalogue down to ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’. But then he worries about the age difference implied in the lyrics, which is something he knows that Will still freaks out about every second day.



“You need something that they’ve never heard before.” Tina tells him. “That way, they’ll associate the song with you and only you.”

And Finn likes that logic, even if it seems impossible. “How do I find a song that no one’s heard?”

Tina grins at him, and loads his arms with cds and DVDs. Finn decides against anything in another language. He also decides against anything with metaphors for death, pain, or addiction in the lyrics. And then he works through what’s left and throws out anything he just can’t get into.

He’s left with ‘Hedwig and the Angry Inch’. There’s a little too much that could work there - ‘Wicked Little Town’ would be the perfect song for how hard Will fought for Glee, and how crappy people seem to enjoy making his life, and how Finn wants to help him through that. At the same time, ‘Midnight Radio’ seems perfect too - the brightest star amongst the misfits and the losers. If that’s not the perfect description for Will...

In the end he writes all of the songs he likes on little bits of paper, and pulls one out of the hat. He’s pretty sure that Will won’t appreciate the playful flirtation of ‘Sugar Daddy’, so he picks ‘Origin of Love’ instead. Will does love an epic ballad.


“You need a powerful song,” Mercedes tells him. “Not just some of those wimpy ‘I love you and I love how you love me’ songs. You need something fierce - something that says ‘I need you and you’re mine and I will cut you if you screw me around’.” She softens her look a little. “Sorry, but you ain’t so good at sending that message yourself. I’ve seen the girls you hang with.”

“Uh... Any suggestions?”

Mercedes has plenty, but none of them really fit. Will prefers rap to R’n’B, and Finn isn’t really down with either genre, what with having no rhythm to speak of.

In the end, Finn turns to Master Google. And it takes him over a week of solid youtubing until he finds some Australian rock that fits. He toys with ‘Are you gonna be my girl?’ by Jet, because Will’s number is saved in Finn’s phone as ‘my girlfriend’, and it’s kind of a joke between them.

“I’ve been heterosexual for a lot longer than you have,” Will tells him.
“I’ve dated more girls than you,” Finn replies. “Plus, you’re the musical freak. You’re totally the girl.”

But then Finn stumbles across a band called Powderfinger. ‘(Baby I’ve Got You) On My Mind’ makes it onto the list.

“You need something you can dance to,” Mike tells him.

“Yeah,” Matt agrees. “Something sweet, you know? Sweet in a phat kind of way.”

Finn looks at him blankly. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“It’s all about the movement,” Mike says. “When you’re dancing it means that you’re touching.”




Finn looks back and forth between the two of them. “I, uh, don’t really know any songs like that.”

Matt and Mike exchange a look, and Finn’s non-brand mp3 player suddenly reaches its maximum capacity. In the end, Finn just locks himself in his room for a weekend, and whittles the list down to the songs that make him compulsively want to dance. And then he whittles it down to songs that he didn’t hurt himself while dancing too. And then he cut out the ones that were about sleeping around (because Will is still a little sensitive about the manwhore thing).

He gets down to ‘Let’s Dance to Joy Division’ by the Wombats, ‘Don’t Cha’ by the Pussycat Dolls, and ‘ Striptease’ Hawksley Workman, which is possibly the weirdest name for a band that Finn has ever seen.

The Wombats are more about jumping than sexy dancing, and Finn just isn’t convinced that dirty dancing to the Pussycat Dolls is doing anything for his manliness rating.

Besides, he totally agrees with the sentiment of the remaining song.


“I like songs with cute video clips,” Brittany tells him. “Especially if they’re cartoons.”

Finn frowns. “I was really hoping for just the music. I don’t know how to make a DVD or anything like that.”

“Maybe you could do something with finger puppets?” she suggests.

Finn considers writing Brittany off as far as help is concerned, but she is being honest, and Will does have a shameless love for children’s television. He has Sesame Street on DVD, though he claims that he uses the Spanish language track for educational purposes, and Finn pretends to believe him.

He considers ‘Keep Fishin’’ by Weezer, because that has muppets in it, but then he looks up the lyrics and decides that Will has enough issues that he doesn’t need to be reminded of to rule that one out. He finds a mash-up of the Muppet Show theme and ‘Gay Bar’ by Electric Six. That one is instantly on the maybe-pile.

And then lyrics jump out at him when he’s not expecting it. ’Opportunity knocked once, let's reach out and grab it, together we'll nab it.’

Movin’ Right Along’ from The Muppet Movie is so on the list.


“Do you have a song about sex?” Santana asks.


She shrugs. “Add another one.”

Finn’s running out of creativity here, so he puts ‘90’s rap sex lyrics’ into google and ends up with a song called ‘Gettin’ it In’. While there’s a line about Uranus that hits surprisingly close to home, Finn finds the song kind of boring. And there are so many songs out there about having sex with people the singer doesn’t like. That’s not a healthy message to put on a mixed tape.

Figured You Out’ by Nickleback seems to fit, because Finn does like Will’s pants around his feet, the freckles on Will’s chest, and the way Will likes him best. And while Will can be stupidly complicated about things like what movies it’s okay to hold hands during, and telling Finn his honest opinion about something, and dealing with the fact that yes, they are totally having sex these days, Finn is slowly getting a handle on him. He’s figuring Will out.



Quinn thinks for a long moment after he asks her, staring into space with that sad little look she gets sometimes. “You should put a funny song on there,” she says at last. “Because you like making people smile.”

The first song he finds is ‘4 Chords’ by Axis of Awesome, and he kicks himself because having a reference of just about every hit pop song ever would have been really fucking helpful five weeks ago when he started this.

On the same page is ‘If You’re Into It’ by some guys called Flight of the Conchords. It’s sweet and self-conscious and inappropriate and has mentions of kitchen sex. Finn is a big fan of the idea of kitchen sex.

And then he finds a song called ‘Gonna Make You Happy’ which is all about getting distracted from the happy making by the X-box. Which may be a relevant scenario. There may be some jealousy issues between Will and Finn’s X-box. It may, in fact, have been a bit of a catalyst in the first massive fight they ever had (and in retrospect, Finn will readily admit that the phrase “Well, Lara Croft will take her top off and you won’t,” was never going to make things better).

It’s a toss-up between the last two, so Finn flips a coin. The X-box song goes on the cd, and he sends Will an e-mail with a link to the Conchords song.


And then Finn is left with a jumble of songs that he tries to put in order. That was one thing that Will drilled into them about set lists - the progression of songs needs to make sense to the audience. And while he’s clicking and dragging, Finn is hit with how little of himself is in this mix. Sure, all of his feelings are there, and so many of the things that he wants to say, but he had so much help and there are songs on there that he only heard this past month.

So he digs out every cd he owns and spreads them all out on his floor, and he paws through the old rock cds that were bands his dad liked and his mom loves, and all of the new rock that he mostly likes.

Queen makes an appearance, because despite how weird it can get and how easily they fight sometimes, Will is Finn’s ‘Best Friend’.

Busted go on there, even though Finn kind of associates them with Puck because he once spent nearly an entire term singing ‘What I Go to School for’. But, you know, the song fits them and Finn is totally hot for his teacher, and his general plan is to desensitise Will to the whole teacher thing though over exposure anyway.

The Rolling Stones are a must, if only because Finn spends so much time singing them in the shower. ‘Let’s Spend This Night Together’ gets put on and taken off the list multiple times. Is that too many songs about sex? But then, Finn really likes the sex, and he’s very sure that Will likes it too. Ugh, maybe.

And then Finn’s thinking about showers and sex, and after taking a moment to cool down he feels like smacking his head against a wall, because how could he have been so stupid? In all of his searching to find the perfect songs for them, to find perhaps maybe their song, he completely forgot the most perfect candidate. The first song Will heard him sing. And the first time Will saw him in the shower. And Finn loves nothing more than reminding Will of that and then kissing his embarrassed face away.


“Hey,” Will says when he finds Finn leaning against his door frame. “I was worried you weren’t speaking to me.”

Finn rolls his eyes. “I talked to you last week,” he says, snaking an arm around Will’s waist once they’re inside.

“Yeah, but you know me. I stop getting booty calls and I wonder what else has got your attention.”

“You’ve gotten insecure in your old age,” Finn mumbles into Will’s hair. “Wait, does this mean you want more booty calls? Because I could handle more booty calls.” Will laughs against him, and it feels good. “I made you a present,” Finn says, still holding him close.


“Mm-hmm. I had some help though.”

“Did you now?” And Will sounds warm and a little sleepy as he leans into Finn’s hug.

Finn pulls the cd out of his jacket pocket, and pokes Will in the shoulder with it until he peels himself away from Finn for long enough to take it. “’Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore’,” he reads. “’An incredibly sexy mixed tape that’s really a CD’.” Will stares at it for a moment longer. “I like how you decorated it with stars.”

“Well, Rachel got upset when I didn’t use any of her other ideas.”

“I’ll bet.”

“So, uh, do you like it?”

Will looks up at Finn with one of those wonderful smiles on his face. “It’s great. But you do realise that I have no idea who half of these bands are?”

“That’s okay,” Finn replies, wrapping himself around Will again. “Neither do I.”


!winn prompt meme, fanwork: fanfic, contributor: tawg, rating: g, rating: pg

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