The Power of Madonna... thoughts?

Apr 20, 2010 22:21

This episode was epic. I mean, last episode had way more Winn, but this was an amazing episode anyway. Let's discuss!

A few notes:

-Finn doesn't know what the word misogynistic means. How surprising.
-Did Finn get mad at Will? Did that just happen? Does he really think that Will is trying to hurt him by letting Jesse into the group? What is the source of Finn's anger, and is it really about Rachel? Could he be afraid of being replaced? Am I really this obsessive?
-What It Feels Like For a Girl. I really, really liked it. I had no idea how they'd present that song in this episode and I think it did really well. And of course, Finn stood next to Will who watched him sing.

Finn lost his virginity and it meant nothing to him. I wonder if this is the kind of thing he'd confide in Will about.

I have a hard time believing that Finn is in love with Rachel. Cory Monteith's acting has never failed me before so it's probably just personal bias.

Your turn. Thoughts?

contributor: gleeful_beat/starryskies, !discussion post

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