Title: Between Us
Author: def_of_joy
Rating: PG
Synopsis: They can't turn away, they can't come closer
Note: Another story in my little Winn universe. I'm trying to work my way through an A-Z of songs to be inspired by. This was inspired by Missy Higgins All for Believing
They stood still, too far away to be together, too close to walk away. Will know he should be the adult, the one to break the connection, but his feet felt like they were stuck fast to the stage floor. Nothing could pull him away.
“It’s getting late,” he said finally. He thought about going home, of the deafening emptiness and cold sheets and phone messages he no longer wanted to check. He didn’t move.
“Yeah.” Finn didn’t move.
Will looked at him, really looked straight at him for the first time in months. He wondered if Finn had gotten still taller. He mourned the sadness still evident in Finn’s eyes. He allowed his eyes to linger too long on Finn’s lips . . .
He yearned to cross the space between them, to feel the reality of Finn’s skin under his touch. He desperately wished that Finn would break first, that their lips would tangle, that it would be every bit as hot as he remembered and imagined.
He wanted to close his eyes, to allow the image to mellow and linger, but he didn’t want to lose a moment of looking at Finn.
Except, the moment was over. Gone. And Will was stepping back as Finn turned away. The whole . . . interaction, had been finished in less than a minute and Will couldn’t work out why he felt breathless.
“Good rehearsal, Mr Schue,” Finn called as he walked off the stage.
Will closed his eyes and wished.